
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Need a little help

I have a family friend that has asked me to make her a table cloth. I went out to Jo-Ann's Friday and chose some fabric for her to look at (she lives in Ohio). She said she likes paisley so I saw this and grabbed what was left on the bolt. It was in the clearance rack for $3/yard. Of course, this is her favorite one and would like it as the border (6") and the back 48" X 81". I have 3/4 of a yard. I looked at Jo-Ann's online and Ebay, Etsy, and luck. The selvage only says made exclusively for Jo-Ann's. It has a brown background with aqua and gold paisley shapes on it. Anyone know where I can get my hands on some? I'm guessing I need around 5 yards. I always buy either way too much or not enough. Quilting is fun but math hurts lol.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

McGuffey has a growth spurt

This month for The Year of Schnibbles we were able to choose any Schnibble pattern. My daughter Mandy (19) needs a new quilt so I let her choose from the patterns I had in my stash. She chose McGuffey and wanted to use red, black, and white for the colors.

Mandy chose all the fabrics. As I was working on it I wasn't sure if I liked it. Once I started putting the rows together it started looking a bit better. Now that the top is done...I really like it. It measures 72" X 84". A nice size for a double bed.

Mandy was questioning if it was going to be big enough for her though. So after we had it all spread out on the front lawn, I had her lay on it to test out the size. I wrapped her up to show her that it was plenty big enough. Here at my house we don't need any rulers or measuring tape. Just lay on it and see if it is big enough lol.

I couldn't resist this picture. When the kids were little I always took pictures of there little piggy toes. So cute! Now that she is a "Big girl now" (that's what she always tells me anyways) I guess I should switch to the other end of the body lol. Next week she is off to Alabama for a vacation to spend some time with her best-est friend. Then in August she is off to the Army. Don't know what I will do without my shopping buddy lol.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Bright Stars

Last year when I made Christmas stockings for my sister and her family I goofed and made the blocks for the tops too big. They were supposed to be 6.5" but I made 12.5" instead.

I dug the oops blocks out, added some bright green sashing and it will eventually be a table runner.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thrifty blocks

I came across this swap last year. I ended up not joining though because that was before I figured out how to do a scant 1/4" seam. I had only been quilting for a very short time and couldn't get my blocks to look right or be the right size. So, I decided to just go ahead and make a bunch of blocks because I liked the pattern and colors the swappers chose. I had these in my drawer of blocks also. I was planning on sashing them in grey. I've recently come to realize that I am not very good at matching up sashing. With that in mind, I decided to just put a border of grey around each block and then sew them together. I can match seams this way so it was a win win situation. I got the look I wanted plus matching seams.

I had some extra blocks so I made a little doll quilt top.

I didn't have enough grey for these blocks. I think I will incorporate them into the back of the big quilt.

I like seeing my miscellaneous block drawer emptying. I'm sure it will be filling back up pretty soon though.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Birthday Blocks

These are the wonky log cabins from a birthday block swap I did this past year. It ran from June 2009 to May 2010. I think once it is quilted, I will use it on the couch.

I've really been enjoying putting these quilt tops together. They go together so fast when the blocks are already done. Plus, it's a nice feeling of accomplishment even if they aren't complete tops yet. I can think of at least 6 more tops that need to be put together like this...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bright Baby

This is another quilt top from my drawer of blocks. Last summer I did a swap for bright 12.5" blocks with an online forum.  I only had 7 blocks so I made 2 more and made this top.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Treasure Bears

I'm trying to get a bunch of quilt tops finished up. I went through my drawers and pulled out the stack of blocks that I have that are ready to be worked into a quilt top but I just haven't got around to it yet. I figure I'll worry about making them into a finished quilt later :)

Treasure Bears started as a panel for one of those soft books. I'm not very good at making those books so I decided to make a quilt instead.

I cut the pages apart sometime last year and then stuck it in the needs to be done drawer where it sat. Now it is a top and will sit in the needs to be quilted pile lol.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mail Call

A couple fun things arrived in my mailbox recently. I was lucky enough to win two give a-ways!

I have to say that I LOVE QuiltMaker magazine! I actually have a subscription for QuiltMaker magazine. The quilts they show just speak to me. They also have a blog that I follow which is where I won this magazine. I've already picked out a couple quilts that I will be starting soon. One of them is the one on the front cover. I never thought I would actually go for the 30's fabric but I find that I really like the colors. They are bright but not glaring and the prints are fun.

I also won some selvages from the Selvage Blog. Once again I thought I would never collect selvages but now I find myself actually looking at them and saving them. I need to learn to stop saying never I guess.

I love the acorns and stockings on these selvages. I wonder if the manufacturers are starting to pay more attention to what they put on their selvages since they know how many people are saving and trading them now?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Whoopie Pies

I've been seeing some really yummy  looking whoopie pies on a few blogs lately. I decided that I just had to have some.

I went on a search for a recipe that did not have any milk (due to my allergy). I found one on my favorite recipe site, AllRecipes.  I used an ice cream scoop to make the cookies. After making a couple dozen scoops I became bored scooping.

So, I made a giant whoopie pie. I used a couple brownie pans. This wasn't one of my better ideas though. Actually, it was a good idea just not followed through very well. The cake portion is too thick. If I had sliced each cake in half and layered frosting in between each layer it would have been better. As it is though, they tasted just like devil dogs.  Of course these are not very healthy with the shortening but they are soooo good.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Placemats for Tammy

My sister has a friend from way back when. I've recently been chatting with her on Facebook. She asked if I could make her a tablecloth for her table. Sure, of course, I would love to. Tammy wants a tablecloth made from a quilt top and a backing. No batting. Her kitchen is country.

I wanted to make a couple samples up for her so she could feel how the table cloth will be. I want her to realize that there are seams and to make sure that is OK. I made this candle mat. I know it doesn't match her kitchen but...

this is the back and will work beautifully (I think). I actually like the weight and feel of a table cloth like this. I might have to make one for my house. That is, if I ever have a dining room and table lol. We turned our dining room into a fourth bedroom.

I also made some placemats for her and the family. Her and her husband have twin girls and a boy. I think they are around 4 (girls) and 2 (boy). Maybe.

Hubby gets a simple patchwork in blues.

The little guy gets an I Spy strip placemat.

For the girls...

All the kids placemats are made with left over strings of novelty fabric and are made in the quilt as you go method.

This one I made for Tammy. I love this pattern for a table cloth. I hope Tammy chooses a design similar to this one. I think darker checks/plaids would work for her kitchen though. It's hard to tell since I have never been to Tammy's house because she is in another state. I might need to pick up some more of this fabric for a baby quilt.

They all have white binding and this country fabric for the back.  I love this fabric but do not know where it came from. I believe it was in a box of fabric that was given to me. I would love to pick up some more though.

All the placemats have cotton batting. I was thinking that while the kids are eating they could have the fun side up. Then if Tammy wants to leave them on the table, she can flip them over to the country side.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May mystery

I've been working on the May Mystery over at Patchwork Posse.  In July we will be doing a show and tell with the chance to win wonderful prizes :) This was clue one plus the bonus HSTs. I have a nice collection of bonus HSTs now. Whenever I work a block that has the opportunity for them I just sew them up and toss them into an ice cream bucket I keep on the top shelf of my sewing table. Eventually they will become a quilt.

Part two was to make a million and one flying geese. Or, at least it felt like that many. I believe there are 80 block #1s and 80 flying geese. Not sure, didn't count them. I just kept cutting, sewing, and ironing, and ironing, and ironing some more. I found out that I really don't care for the ironing part of quilting. I do love flying geese though.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May's YOE swap sent

Natalie is my May partner for YOE.  This month's theme is Mermaids. I've always found mermaids intriguing and mystical. I wanted to post a sneak peak and found a tool over on LunaPic that allows you to turn your pictures into Legos. I was looking for something that makes the picture look like a whirlpool but didn't find anything like that. This is OK though. I can tell what everything is and you probably can guess too but that's OK. There will still be some surprises in there to discover.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Christmas time ?

This is the other handwork that I have been working on lately. Some days I get a heart sewn down and other days I spend more time on it.

I picked up two of these Advent Calendars at A.C. Moore's after Christmas sale earlier this year. I was thinking I would keep one and sell the other once they are finished. I actually enjoy working on these type of felt kits. They are very relaxing. Not as portable as some projects because of the beads and sequins so I keep it next to my spot on the couch and work on it every once in a bit.

The directions says that you can just glue the pieces down but I'm not comfortable with the glue lasting for years packed away with all the other holiday decorations. I hand stitched each set of numbers to the hearts and then to the circle. Also the Merry Christmas is hand stitched down. I use the sequins/beads to attach the beard, etc. This way if the kids are a bit rough, it will still hold up nicely over the years.

Felt kits can be a bit pricey but I try to wait until the after holiday sales and pick up a few at 50% off. I also love to make the felt stockings too. I like how the pieces are all printed on the felt and numbered. Makes it easy...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bits and Pieces

I finally decided on a new hand sewing project to take to doctor's appointments and such.

I'm using some wonderful fabric that I bought from Barb awhile back. I was first thinking about making a Lone Star quilt but I couldn't decide on what order to use the colors and how many rows of each, etc. So instead I am making these stars. I'm leaning towards using a light grey fabric for the fill in diamonds in between the flowers. I'll know if a light grey will work after I get a bunch more stars put together.

Right now I am battling a rotten asthma attack and can't concentrate very well. Basting these little diamonds are a real no brainer so this is about all I have been working on lately.

This is the container I use to store my in progress diamonds. I think the diamonds will sew together a bit easier if I iron them first. This is the first time I have hand sewn diamonds. I usually work with hexagons but diamonds are fun if not a bit fiddly. Next month I need to order some orange, brown, and yellow. Eventually I would like this to be a king size quilt. When it is all put together I also plan on hand quilting it. I'm kind of excited about working on this project.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Shooting Star

This is my version of the Shooting Star quilt designed by Moose Quilts.  It is one of the patterns we get as members of the Patchwork Posse.  It measures  40" X 40" and is a nice size for a new baby. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

Posse Charm A-Long

I finished the last three blocks for the Patchwork Posse Charm A-Long. Block #9 is a signature block. I had some extra fabric so I made a second not so perfect block. Next month we will be adding the background pieces and finishing it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I sewed together my circle quilt. I like how the colored blocks set off the I Spy circles. On to the next project...

Row Robin

I received the next row for the Row Robin that I am part of.

Melinda has requested bright stars for her row. I love making wonky stars and we all know I love brights...

Melinda gave us the option of making 6" blocks or 9" blocks. I wanted to play with the differents colors so I went with the 6" blocks.

My row ended up a bit longer than the original row from Melinda. I was going to trim it down but decided to just leave it long. When Melinda receives all her rows, she can trim it down to whatever size she needs so it matches the other rows. There is plenty of room on the ends of the row to trim off without losing any of the stars. One of the good things about going wonky.

Monday, May 3, 2010

I love email!!

I've always loved going out to check the mail each day. It's something I've enjoyed doing ever since I moved out of my parents house. I used to even enjoy junk mail. I used to order samples and other fun things that would fly their way to my mailbox. Even the kids get a little antsy waiting to see what fun things Mom has ordered and is in the mailbox. It could be boring (to them) quilt magazines, food samples (Robbie's favorite thing) or swap goodies. Now that we do Netflix there might even be a new movie to watch. We don't have too many bills so I don't normally have a mailbox full of them (thank goodness).

Now, I think my email in box is my favorite! I opened my email inbox today to find out that I have won a terrific give a-way.

(picture borrowed from Scarlet Fig)

Laurie Wisburn over at Scarlet Fig    has a gorgeous new line of fabric that it is coming out this month. It is called Tufted Tweets and is being distributed by Robert Kaufman. The chairs themselves are fun but then Laurie added little birds to them and made them that much more adorable. I love the quilts Ashley from  Film in the Fridge made from this gorgeous fabric.

Thank you so much Laurie! Now to start watching the mailbox again :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy May

Nothing very exciting going on here this weekend. Yesterday I took the time to get down on my hands and knees and scrub the kitchen floor. It gets mopped on a regular basis but periodically it needs to be attacked with a scrub brush. It's 12 inch ceramic tile with grout so it needed it. Now it is ready for the next batch of quilts to be basted on it. Lucky for me I have a few needing basting right now. Actually, more than a few...

I bought this cute guy when we went to the Flea Market this past Wednesday.

We were only supposed to be buying fruits and veggies but I saw this guy and just had to have him. When you hold him by the tail, his body wiggles back and forth a bit.

This month's Schnibble is quilter's choice. My daughter chose this pattern for a quilt for her bed. I will be making lots more blocks too bring it up to at least a double size quilt. It will be black, white, and red. She actually picked the fabric out month's ago for a quilt that she was going to make but that didn't happen. Now, Momma gets to make a quilt for her.