
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Christmas in July

I've always loved Christmas in July. I love Christmas and all it's bright lights and sparkle. I enjoy the wrapped presents even more than what's in the boxes sometimes. It's been a couple years since I really went all out at Christmas but this year I am feeling the decorating vibes again.

I'm cutting it very close with this blog post for Christmas in July! Nothing like waiting until the last minute. Pam over at Gingerbread Snowflakes joined me and some other bloggers for the 2010 Stocking Give Away. Several of us are already excited for this year's stocking give away. Pam being the organized person that she is ordered some stocking panel fabric earlier this year. She so very generously sent me a section of one of the panels. There were large stockings and small stockings on the panel(s). Pam sent me a set of small (oops I was wrong, these are the large ones) stockings.

click for a closer view

I thought the designs just screamed for some embroidery and bead accents. I think I will be making one stocking out of these pieces. I thought about making two stockings and trying to find the right backing but changed my mind. No big surprise there. I am always changing my mind alot of times at the last minute.

If anyone is interested in joining me for this year's stocking giveaway I will be hosting it again. We will be making a stocking and filling it with any fun goodies of your choosing. Your stocking will need to be made and posted on your blog in time for the giveaway. This year you should be prepared to have your blog posts up on November 28th. With the drawing to be held on December 5th. That gives everyone the opportunity to shop on Black Friday for any great deals and also gives the stocking time to reach it's destination in time for Christmas.

This year I will be giving away a stocking (or two) filled with goodies. I will also be having a drawing for prizes for those blogs that are participating in the stocking giveaway. I'm thinking that a gift basket for the grand prize would be fun to win and fun for me to make.