
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

traveling stash

The Traveling Stash (at least one of them) is up fro grabs again. Head on over to PhillysBlarney for all the details.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stocking give-away time !!!

**  Give-away closed - winner announced soon **

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. We had a very relaxing day. We snacked, ate lots of turkey and yummy side dishes, and stuffed ourselves with delicious desserts. I missed the parades but we did do our usual movie marathon. This year it was the last two Harry Potter movies. Most of us had already seen them at the theater but Justin hadn't seen the last one yet. All in all it was a very relaxing day.

Now on to the give-away !!!

This year I am giving away this scrappy striped stocking stuffed with goodies. I'm not going to show you the goodies so that the winner will be surprised when the stocking arrives.

The rules are very simple....Leave a comment if you would like a chance to win this stocking and all it's surprises. To make it a bit more fun, let me know what your favorite Christmas song is. I've always loved Silent Night but I also love to sing all the "fun" carols with the kids like Jingle Bells, etc.

After you leave a comment check out the other blogs (Mr. Linky has a list at the end of this post) that are joining me in giving away a stocking filled with goodies. Come back in a couple days to see who else linked up.

That's it, easy peasy. I'll keep the comments open until December 5th. Then on December 6th I will have Hubby or Robbie draw a name and that person will be the winner. Please make sure I have a way to contact you if you win.

This give-away is open to everyone no matter where you live.

*****If you are a blogger that is joining me and giving away a stocking this week, please add a link to your give-away in Mr. Linky so everyone can come visit your blog*****.

p.s. I used the tools over at Picnik to make the frame around my stocking if anyone is curious.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I was playing in my Christmas scraps recently and came up with these stockings. I only had enough red to make cuffs for three of them though. It's OK because they aren't all going to the same place. Plus, I like the odd ball green one :)

The one with the trees on the back will be going to Purple Panda's stockings for kids stocking drive. One of the others will be given away later this month as part of the 2011 Stocking Give Away here on my blog.

The lining fabric was given to me recently by my neighbor at her garage sale. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Winner- - - - -

I let Robbie choose the winner of the patterns. He chose Cheryll over at Gone Stitchin'  as the lucky blogger.I've sent you an email. Congratulations!!