
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stocking Winner

I waited for Robbie to come home from school today to draw the winner of the stocking I made and all it's goodies hidden inside. I printed out all the comments (103), cut them up, folded them, and put them in a bowl. Shook it like crazy, picked up the one that fell out (hehe) and let Robbie loose on the bowl. After he swished the papers around a bit he chose.....

and the winner is

....JANET !!!  Janet's favorite song is I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. Congratulations Janet, I've sent you an email for your address. If for some reason I do not hear from Janet in the next three days I will have Robbie choose another winner.

I want to thank all the bloggers who joined me this year by giving away a stocking on their blog! I would also like to say thank you to everyone that entered all the giveaways! I found so many new blogs to follow. There are so many talented and fun bloggers out there and not enough time in the day.