
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yesterday's projects

Once I started putting the borders around Savannah's butterfly blocks I just couldn't stop there. The plan was to sew them all together today. I just couldn't wait to see how they looked all together. I was almost late for work last night, but it was worth it :) I originally bought the blue in the sashing for the butterfly wings. When I saw it next to the purple I knew it had to become sashing. They work so well together.

Now, to decide how to quilt it. I know it will be free motion quilted. I probably could get away with just stitching on the ditch or outlining the butterflies, but I don't have a walking foot. Without a walking foot I have a hard time keeping the back from getting any ripples. I could use a variegated blue and quilt within the butterflies, or use either a pink or purple and quilt within the purple background. I think I am leaning towards doing the quilting in the background. Do you think I should use a pink or purple thread though? The back of the quilt will be black with pink butterflies all over it. I also chose a pink binding to bring the pink around to the front. I probably won't get to making the quilt sandwich for a couple days.
This guy is for the Toy Society. We will be dropping him at the library when we return our books next month. It was just a quick bear pattern from an old book I have.

I had to add this little heart to his side though. This fabric is almost an upholstery weight. It was fraying and pulling apart when I was sewing the seam closed. Now he has a little character :)

I also finished off these two Viking Hats. I took care of the loose ends and added the horns. Both of these Viking Hats will be in the shop soon. One is newborn size and the other is toddler if I remember correctly.
I have been working on this stocking for a couple days. I love to make felt stockings with all the beads and sequins. The only thing left to do yesterday was sew the back on. He will make it into the shop soon too.

Snowmen are one of my favorite characters. I am very pleased with how well the satin stitching came out on his cute face.

I feel great about how much I accomplished yesterday. Today, I'm hoping to finish up the dragon scarf I'm working on. Then I need to find another crochet/knit project to work on....


  1. You have definitly been a busy gal! I don't know if I'm capable of finishing that much stuff in one day LoL! As far as the quilt goes I think it would look great to go around the butterflies in purple. The reason why is that it would bring some purple to the back and leave a fun design too. I just think the butterflies would be more fun than blocks showing on the back. I know it'll be a lot harder because of the curves but I still think it'll look great. Show us what it looks like when it's finished -k-? I'm excited to see it.

  2. I love that quilt! Beautiful.

    Thanks for stopping by and entering my first giveaway....and for the valentine's ideas. I love your ideas of all pink and red food!! I'm working on my menu!!

    Thanks...I'll be announcing the winner tomorrow!

  3. The butterfly quilt is cute! I love butterflies. The Viking hats are creative! Did you follow a pattern or just create them? I can't wait to have some sewing time to do the toy society, I think it's such a great idea. Someone is going to love that little softie guy!

  4. Those viking hats are AWESOME! Too too cute...


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