
Saturday, September 19, 2009

SigOrnament swap

I've decided it would be fun to host a SigOrnament Swap!  This is my first time hosting a swap so be gentle with me. If I am missing anything please let me know.

Rules for SigOrnament Swap 2009:

1. Since this is my first hosted swap there will be a 20 participant limit. Sign ups will be on this post.

2. Each participant will make 20 blocks based on the pattern provided here. The blocks will be 5" unfinished. The center square will be a light color (white, cream, light tan, etc.). The ornament color is your choice. Remember these will be part of a Christmas tree quilt so use appropriate colors. Not everyone will want lime green, neon pink, or jet black ornaments. The four corners will be an appropriate shade of green. Again, please no neon green. On each ornament all four green corners will be from the same fabric. You will be signing your name and city, state in the center square. All your blocks can be the same or they can all be different. The choice is up to you. Please use fabrics that you would like to receive. If you can see your hand through the fabric, then it is too thin.

3. Please place your blocks in a plastic baggie and mail them out to me. I will send you my address when you sign up. Also include a pre-stamped/addressed  envelope. Make sure you use stamps and not metered. Whatever the cost to ship the blocks to me should be the amount of stamps you place on your return envelope.

4. Sign ups will end when we hit 20 swappers or October 15th. Whichever comes first.

5. Blocks are DUE to me by November 15th. I will swap the blocks out and send them back to you around November 23rd. If I receive all the blocks earlier than I will swap them out and send them earlier. Send 19 and keep one for yourself.

Ok, that should be it. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I missed something.

Here is a button for you to use on your blog:

 This is what I plan on doing with my blocks.


  1. I am in --sounds like fun and I had went to the site you listed the other day and ran of the pattern--and your tutorial are good--so we should be in the bag now--girl---best wishes for a great turn out--hugs, just, Di

  2. Just wanted to let you know that I have the button up on my site and it does link back here--so we are off---Di

  3. I would like to join in. This will be very fun. I love the siggies.

  4. Count me in on this one too - especially since you posted a non paper piecing tutorial!

    terryandjennifer4ever @

    I'd love a siggy quilt. I'll be putting your button on my blog today!

  5. I linked your swap on my blog. My email addy is fzuerner at gmail dot com

  6. I would love to paraticipate. Please count me in, and let me know what information I need to supply.


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