
Saturday, March 27, 2010

March Schnibble done!

I was able to finish up the quilting on this month's Schnibble Roundabout before surgery.

I actually finished hand sewing the binding on just a couple hours before we left for the hospital.

I didn't find the exact number of green thread that I was using but it is so darn close you can't tell.

I found this fun frog fabric at JoAnn's and thought it would be fun for the back of this quilt.


  1. What a cute cuddly quilt and you did a great job of quilting it--way to go!! Hope this post also means you are feeling better and that the pain is better---
    Hugs, Di

  2. it is adorable...I love the backing fabric you used...How are you feeling????

  3. Thanks for stopping by! The frog fabric is super cute!

  4. Fun Colours & very nice finish !
    Hugs from France.

  5. Your Roundabout Schnibbles turned out very pretty. A real eye catcher in the parade. What a difference a solid makes!
    Vrolijk Pasen ^o^

  6. Love the green background...It really changes it up.

  7. First, great job on the Schnibbles! This pattern was one of my favs. And then, the adorable quilt you have at the top of the post gave me the pattern for my next baby shower gift. I have many scraps from helping this young mom make the crib bumpers, sheets, etc., but couldn't make up my mind for the pattern. Now I can get to sewing (shower is in one week - eeek!). Thanks.


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