
Sunday, June 13, 2010


Hubby finally finished his eagle clock. We couldn't find a clock mechanism that worked so Hubby had to carve out some of the wood from the back of the plaque. You would think that if they sold the plaque as a base for a clock that they would have clock parts that actually fit. Jeesh!

This is a picture of Hubby's arm rest on his side of the couch. This is a very old piece of lace/fabric/table runner type thing. Basically a long doily. He keeps it on his arm rest so that he doesn't leave and sweat marks on the arm rest.  It has become so thread bare that it was time for a replacement. Since I am  too lazy to go shopping creative I made him a new arm rest protector...

 This is actually something I told him I would make months ago. Of course the NY Giants are his favorite football team. Luckily their colors are red, white, and blue. I don't mind having things made in Giants fabric around the house. At least they blend in pretty well.

Hope you are having a great weekend. I go back to work after being out for 3 months. It's a good thing bad thing kinda deal. I like the money but really don't like the job. I am very grateful to have a job though, so off to work I will go :)


  1. sorry you have to go back to work--but I know the feeling of needing to go back for that paycheck!! Just don't overdo and set yourself back--ok????
    Hugs, Di

  2. I am sorry you have to go back....if I didnt watch the grandkids, I would be going back to work do what you gotta do, I guess!


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