
Thursday, June 24, 2010

My world

I love sky pictures and sunsets and sunrises are a favorite of mine. This is a sunset I captured a few nights ago.

We have been having some strong afternoon storms lately. They roll in fast and hit hard. Many of the streets in our city flood when these storms come through. Of course they always come through at the time I have to go to work. I keep Robbie's slip-n-slide toys inside the dome because we have had to chase them across the neighborhood with the high winds we have been getting.  We would look out the window and watch the yellow and orange slide flipping around inside the dome. Much more fun to watch than seeing it flying across the fields.

I also caught this rainbow before work one day. I've always loved loved rainbows. Never could find the pot o' gold at the end though...


  1. Love your photos Robin.

    Yes it is much better for the slide to just blow around in the dome than down the paddock.

  2. Those storms are so scarey....great photos.

  3. Just think of the all the excise you are now missing by putting the slide in the dome!!!!!!!!!
    So be careful driving to work and home again-----
    Have a great week end and stay "dry"

  4. The storm line looks wicked! Very scary looking.


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