
Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Monday again and a give away

I thought since we have started a new week we may as well start it with a give away.

While I was hunting for Eagle patterns a bit ago I found this book on Ebay. I went ahead and made the Eagle even though it wasn't quite what I was looking for.

He turned out cute though. Different but still cute. He stands about 6" high and is crocheted.

He has safety eyes so he is safe for kids but I would still keep an eye on the little ones just in case.

So if you would like to give this little eagle a new home just leave a comment on this post. I will keep this give away open until this Friday night. Then I will have one of the boys draw a name. 


  1. Too cute!! You are so talented! I haven't crochet in decades - but one hobby is enough for me ;)

  2. Your eagle is do the cutest things with those needles...

  3. How cute! I crochet but stick to the simple afghans for Project Linus. I would love a chance to win your adorable eagle.

  4. What a cute eagle. I love him!

  5. Put my name in the hat! I think the eagle is adorable too! I am sure he would love living at my house!

  6. I love your Eagle. Reminds me of a trip to Alaska and British Columbia. I could never get bored watching the Eagles sore, or sitting. Spectacular bird. And your eagle is absolutely delightful. Love it. whoever the lucky winner is, I'm sure they'll enjoy it. I know I would. I just hope he doesn't eat my stuffed pelican!


  7. amazing work, I wish I knew how to crochet things like that...

  8. The eagle is amazing. Wish I could crochet more than a straight line. Thanks for the chance to win in your giveaway.

  9. I love the eagle! I'm not a crocheter but the cute animals that crocheters made have always caught my attention and made me wish I did the craft.

  10. Such personality this little guy (or gal) has! Last fall we introduced our 3 year old to the eagle nest cams on Hornby Island. Technology is amazing to watch miles away what is happening with these great birds. Perfect giveaway choice :)
    nsue21702 at
