
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

TTMT #36 Is it a basket or a hat?

Laura-Lynn from the Mom & Pop Quilt Shop  on YouTube showed us how to make these fabric bowls for her weekend project. It looked like fun so I decide to give it a try. There's a similar sew along going on over on Instagram. There's a rug pattern that uses a jellyroll and basically the same process. I'm sure it would be a non working rug because I can't see that it would last very long if people walked on it. It's like walking on a quilt.

You can watch the video for all the details but basically you take strips of fabric and strips of batting and sew them together. Then you sew them into a basket like those fabric covered rope bowls that come in and out of popularity.

I used about 3/4 of my fabric strips and made this bowl. You can see me modeling it in my video ;)

I used the rest to make a long oval basket. Since there is only batting and fabric the sides are obviously going to be floppy but I just wanted to see what it would look like. As a larger basket it is amazing. I love the soft floppy sides but if you need to have something with some structure then you would be better off making the rope version. I would like to find something in between the two because I have a fun idea that I would like to try. Maybe some type of cording. I'll have to wander around Jo-Ann's and see what I can find.

Here's a close up of my Hearts a Flutter wall hanging that I am working on. These are the beautiful hearts from Barb. I love practicing my stitches on this wall hanging.

Miss Mocha likes to help.

My red, white, and blue hexies are ready for the next step.

43 more crumb blocks added to the pile.

Now I have 133 crumb blocks. I like to trim them to 6.5". These will be fun to play with.

Here's a pic of some of the ones I made this past week.

1 comment:

  1. You sure have been busy. Will watch your video on how to make the bowl after I get back from the shops.
    Great Crumb blocks...


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