
Monday, September 22, 2008

Things that came in the mail

The UPS man stopped by last week and surprised me with the 2009 Crochet Pattern a Day calendar! I submitted my snake scarf for the 2008 calendar. SURPRISE!! They put it in the 2009 calendar :) I am October 7th...YIPPEE! There are many patterns contributed by fellow Crochetville members.

Then later in the week, the mailman brought me this goodie. Now, I knew this one was coming. I was just waiting for it to get here. I won this as part of a blog give-a-way. Forgive me for forgetting which blog it was from. I seem to be losing my mind as I get older. It doesn't help when you read 148 blogs daily. I love Bloglines . It really helps me keep track of my fave blogs. Of course those blogs send me off to other blogs and my list gets longer each day!

Anyways...this is the box set of the first year of Craft: . Craft: has been on my wish list for awhile now. I love the articles and the projects. We already made the play doh. Robbie (9) had fun making and playing with it. It is still squishy 3 days later. We store it in a ziploc baggie.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is so cool! Now I'm thinking I need submit something for next year.


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