This past Christmas I bought Robbie several kits to make a variety of things from felt and foam. He made the dragon and the knight plus a few other fun things. He had no interest in the Christmas ornies though. Robbie has his own Christmas tree so I thought it might be nice for him to make new ornaments for it. Nope, but Daddy was interested :)
Daddy has been a bit fidgety lately because he has been out of work since September '08 for some chronic pain he has had in his abdomen. Several tests later and we think we finally found the cause. He has a ruptured disc between his shoulder blades that is pressing on his spinal cord. Sounds painful just typing it. This cause a nerve that runs from his spine to his abdomen to go haywire.
Anyway...I suggested to him that he might like to do a bit of crafting. I try to recruit anyone who will stand still long enough to glue something to be crafter :) So, he made these for Robbie's tree. I think they turned out cute.
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