
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A crib bumper turns into a quilt (or 2)

My daughter and I went thrift store shopping recently. We were on the hunt for a basic black skirt for her HS Graduation (yippee!!) on June 7th. She isn't the type of girl that has a closet full of dresses. She prefers khakis, jeans, and dress pants. The graduates are required to wear dresses (girls) and jackets and ties (boys). After we found a perfect skirt ($1.99) we wandered around looking to see what else they might have. This particular store no longer carries craft items but they do have a nice size area for linens. I spotted this cute crib bumper pad right off. It was a jungle of brightness up against a bunch of drab sheets. I thought it would make adorable baby quilts.

I took off the binding and ties and ended up with some long pieces of fabric. I thought I might be able to use the batting inside but it is too rough. I never took apart a bumper before and was surprised at how stiff and scratchy the batting was. I'll put it away for another project that doesn't need to be so soft.

I cut the panels down and ended up with 8 pieces. I had a nice bright green fabric that matched in my stash too. It was a sheet that I bought at Walmart for $2.50 for another quilt project. I just cut a few strips the width of my ruler (6") and added them in between the panels. Now I have two baby quilt tops that only took me a couple hours. I spent more time with the seam ripper than I did putting them together.

These guys look like they are having fun!

I love all the monkeys on this fabric! The pic above is the most accurate in color.

I'm using Hubby's work camera since mine finally died. I don't really care for the way it takes pictures. For some reason every once in awhile it washes the colors out :(

Baby froggies and a little parrot.

I swapped the order for the second quilt.

This yellow monkey is too cute.

A baby tiger for Hubby..his favorite animal.

A bigger baby parrot...

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