
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 10

Today we have a child's coloring wallet.  I made this coloring wallet from a pattern by JCASA. It was a very easy pattern to follow.

This wallet was made in Christmas fabrics and would be good for a boy or girl. This would be a great way to get a head start on your holiday shopping. I also have several others that are made and ready for sale, I just haven't put them up in the shop yet. If you would like to buy one (or a Barbie version) let me know and I will give you a bargain price before I list them.

Now for the rules.

1. Leave a comment and earn 1 entry.

2. Become a follower of this blog and earn 1 entry.

3. Grab my give a-way button and blog about it and get 1 entry

I will draw the winner on October  20th. The winner will have 3 days to send me their address. If I do not here from the winner within 3 days, another name will be drawn.

Leave a separate comment for each thing you do and I will use the random number thingy to find our winner.

Good Luck everyone!!

Don't forget to go over and see what the Ghoul's Guild is up to. They are having 13 days of give a-ways/sales also.

**Come back for the next 3 days of give a-ways**

**Don't forget to go back and enter the first 9 Days also**

**Day 13 will be the quilt in my blog header**



  1. do you know how many grandchildren would LOVE this?

  2. so very adorable! You must be able to make just about anything. So Talented!!!! Hugs. Linda

  3. still your loyal follower. Hugs again, Linda

  4. Really nice especially the christmas one but there again anything christmassy i love
    Hugs Janice

  5. And this, too, is so cute!! You're so talented :-)

  6. And.... (drum roll...) I follow!!

  7. What darling things you're giving away. Thank you so much for having these wonderful giveaways.

  8. I am a follower! I really like your Halloween background on the blog, very cute.

  9. The wallet is adorable. My next door neighbor would love it for Christmas. Thanks!

  10. I'm also your friend on Google now.

  11. I wish I had found out about this sooner? Where have I been....I know I was a follower....what happened?
