
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Go Giants!

Hubby is a big New York Giants fan. When I said I wanted to make him a quilt he immediately requested a Giants one. I ordered the top cotton fabric months ago, but we hadn't decided how to work the rest. Hubby finally decided on a fleece backing with no batting in between. A quick trip to JoAnn's and he picked out a very nice and soft blue fleece. It works great with the blue in Giant's fabric.

Doesn't he look happy? Hubby's tall (a bit over 6 ft.) and has a hard time keeping his toesies covered. I think he will be fine with this quilt. He keeps it on the bed and nobody and I mean nobody gets to touch it lol.

I love the different shades of blue in the fleece. It is soooo toasty warm...not that I have tried it out or anything lol.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Quilt, my DH is a cricket fan & i have never seen any fabric for that, well done on the quilt
    Hugs Janice


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