
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Gracie Jane Project

My daughter Mandy decided she liked the DNP block. I had purchased a handful of 4" squares off ebay recently. I couldn't pass them up since they were only $.39 with free shipping. Unfortunately, the squares weren't all cut to the same size. This made it a bit frustrating for Mandy to sew together. I told her not to worry if the seams all matched, with this pattern it would all blend together. It is a great size to teach Mandy how to quilt and do binding also.

After it was all sewn together, I trimmed it down to a 20" square. Once it is quilted it will be donated to The Gracie Jane Project. I've been wanting to make quilts for the babies in the NICU but hadn't found a place to send them yet. I think Barbara's project will be perfect for us to send to. Plus, a 20" little quilt is a great way to practice techniques.


  1. Oh, it's fab! She's clearly inherited your talents :-)

  2. It is always great to do a good job and to most of us that means matching all the seams--but we do often forget that that really isn't what the early quilting was all about--babies don't know if all the seams match--they only "feel" the love that somebody put into making the quilt just for them--great job, girls--Hugs, Di

  3. This works a treat! Tell Mandy well done!


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