
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day


Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!
This isn't a holiday we really celebrate here at the LaLone home. We give gifts and lovin' all year round, so a special day doesn't fit us really. I do go out and get the kids some chocolate and candy of course.

Yesterday I worked on a mini  I Spy quilt. When it came time to cut the backing I had some help though...


Suzi decided she needed to check out my choice of backing fabric.


She rubbed her face all over it lol


Rolled around in it...


and just had some good ole fun with it.


This is some of the fabric I received from the neighbor. She uses some fragrant fabric softener. I'm guessing that the new smell drove her a bit nuts.
Every time I had the quilt anywhere, Suzi was right there to sniff it.  This was a good source of entertainment for my family Saturday night lol. It doesn't take much to amuse us :)

This was a bit extreme for Suzi but not too unusual. Every time I bring fabric (or yarn) into the house, she has to sniff it and try to lay on it. She's just a fabric-holic I guess. At least she is in the right house.


  1. Too funny!!!

    We do not do much either, if the boys were here, I would get them candy as well....

  2. I LOVE the doggie checking out the fabric---animals are soooo cute!!!!
    I did two finishes today!!!
    Hugs, Di

  3. Hello Robin, your dog sounds like a bit of a charcter....Warm Regards Lyn

  4. my animals do this too...never figured out why....

  5. that is too funny...our pets do the same thing though. Ginger LOVES to put her head in clean laundry (or even the dryer) and take a big whiff! LOL!


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