
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On My Design Wall

First off I have to say that I am just thrilled to have any kind of design wall. Good thing I don't make very many large quilts though. There is an empty piece of wall between my daughter's bed room door and the garage door that is just around the bend from my sewing area in the living room. Awhile ago I thumb tacked up a piece of cotton batting and now I have myself a nice area to try out different block arrangements. Before this, I had to lay the blocks on the kitchen floor and see if they looked OK. For me it's better to look at the blocks when they are hanging on the wall instead of the floor.

This is what was on the wall yesterday:

I played with the placement of the blocks for the quilt for a fellow blogger.  Did you click the link? You didn't think I would ruin the surprise did you? I think the balance is pretty good. After everyone's suggestions, I decide to go with a dark sashing. After trying out a few different fabrics, I decided on a maroon color. It brings the color out of the blocks nicely.

I also played with a layout for an I Spy quilt. A few months ago, I took some blocks from an I Spy Swap that I was in and cut them into 4.5" circles. I then sewed them down to a 6.5" white block. Then they sat, and sat, and sat until I had this idea of adding a bunch of different colored squares to them in a checkerboard fashion. I think I like the way they all look together. From a distance all the circles remind me of planets.

Later this morning we are heading out to the local Farmer's Market to check out their fruits and veggies. We're all really craving some fresh produce and yummy fruits. I've been looking for some nice yellow squash and zucchini but you can't really buy those at a supermarket. Plus, I would rather buy local and fresh than something that has been shipped from far, far away.

I also need to do some regular grocery shopping. Hopefully there will be some time later in the day to start sewing these tops together.


  1. Oh both quilts and what a way to use space.

  2. The quilt for your fellow blogger is coming along nicely. Can't wait to see it with the sashing.

    Lovely I spy as well.

    Yes it is far easier to have yur blocks on the wall rather than the floor

  3. They both look wonderful on your design wall! They will be terrific when complete. I am with you about the local and fresh produce. Love the summer fruits and veggies, but it will be a while until we have any of those.

  4. HeeHee - Now how did you know we would click on the fellow blogger link to find out who this lovely is going to?!! You are good - I love creative minds like yours :)

  5. I think maroon is a great idea, she will love it, I know I would. Your I Spy is great!! What a wonderful idea, so bright and fun!!
    I like a wall too much better than the floor, it is the perfeci space!

  6. The quilt for a "fellow blogger" is coming along nicely and I like the idea of maroon sashing. Will be anxious to see it all completed. How fun to have a design wall. That is something I've wanted for ages. Nola


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