
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

One design...2 uses

My husband has been out of work due to a disability (severe chronic pain) for over 2 years. I have been "gently" hinting to him that he needs a hobby/craft or he is going to go stir crazy. Over the years he has joined me in many of my crafting adventures. He is the one who taught me how to thread my first sewing machine. He also showed me how to do a basic cross stitch. We made many plastic canvas projects too.

We were at the craft store picking up some things for me and Hubby started to wander around looking for something to do. I showed him the wood burning section. That's all it took. He decided it was finally time to get into the crafting world. About time lol. He picked up a clock kit and a round piece of wood to burn a design in. He also picked out a wood burning starter kit. I also had him grab some smaller pieces of wood to practice on.

A couple days before, I had been surfing the web looking for bird designs to embroider. Each night I worked a little on my bird while Hubby and the kids watched TV.

This is the little guy I came up with. I would love to tell you where I found him, but I can't. I tried finding the blog again but I think it disappeared lol. I have a tendency to hop from one link to another.

****found it :)

Anyways...Hubby thought he was cute. Plus, he is the right size for the wood we picked up. So Hubby made this:

Pretty good for his first time. Rob really enjoyed doing this. He has already burned something onto his clock wood too. I'll show you that once it is all finished. I haven't looked at making clocks in so long I forgot about one very important factor...the shaft has to be deep enough to accommodate the thickness of your wood.  We picked out one that was too short. Oh well, another trip to the craft store and he should be all set.


  1. Oh man...another trip to the craft horrible (smiling)...both of you are doing fun stuff.....

  2. Oh how fun for your hubby, and wow if that was his first try, YIKES!! He is wonderful and let's not forget you, I love your little guy too!

  3. Oh how "awful" another trip to the craft store!!! Now--tell us the truth--did you plan it this way?????
    Love your little bird and love the one your hubby did--he is on to something now!!! better get out of his way---
    Hugs, Di
    PS must be a day for the "birds"--you will see why when I write my post later!!!


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