
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tagalong and Postcards

Aimee over at Adventures and Pursuits is hosting a few postcard swaps. I am in group 3 for this round. I send out 49 Florida postcards, one to each state. Then, 49 other people will each send me a postcard from their state. I thought Robbie would get a kick out of receiving post cards from all the states. I know I love postcards.

Mandy and I went to Walmart today to pick up my new glasses, get some groceries, and of course to pick out our postcards.  I picked out 60 Florida cards that looked fun. I like to keep extra postcards to add to swap packages (when I remember lol). I always grab the shark one you see here. I used to have a t-shirt that said "Send more tourists. The last ones were delicious" lol. I loved that shirt. I will be slowly addressing these. Florida is scheduled to mail out at the end of May. Each state mails at a different time so we should receive a postcard a week.

April's Schnibble Tagalong is all quilted, bound, and washed. I just did some straight line quilting. Nothing too exciting because I couldn't decide on the color of thread to use. You can  see here   why mine looks different from the pattern.

I love the fabric on the back. I've noticed that I am drawn to circle things lately.

Another bright Schnibble done. I wonder what next month's pattern will be. At least we don't have to wait very long.


  1. Just love your schnibbles....the colors are wonderful

  2. OH NO!!! Not another swap. At least you do not have to sew them.
    So pleased I am not swimming today as I would be looking for the guy with the big mouth. LOL

    Love your schnibbles. Was that a USA thing as I read many ladies blogs that are doing it.

  3. Your Schnibble colors are so gorgeous. The post card swap sounds fun--don't get writer's cramp. L,A-

  4. Your postcard swap sounds like a fun idea! I love your Schnibbles... I didn't even recognize it as the same pattern. Your colors make the pattern(s) within the quilt stand out so much.... and I loooove the backing too!

  5. Hi Robin, Natalie from YOE your May partner! I'm looking forward to this month's challenge, I think it will be a great crafting challenge for me too!
    Best wishes, Natalie.

  6. Love that Schnibbles--you always do such nice bright colors--way to go!!
    You do love your "swaps" don't you??
    I have been too "lazy" to do any so far this year!!!!
    have a good week end
    Hugs, Di

  7. YOur postcard swap sounds like a lot of fun. Love your Schnibbles!

  8. Scnibbles is amazing... Excellent work! Thanks for sharing your blog, keep up the great quilting, we look forward to seeing more from you in the future.


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