
Friday, August 27, 2010

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

Not only did I do the Halloween block swap with Aunt Pitty Pat but I also joined in on the Christmas swap. Once again we were able to choose our theme. I had a plan in mind so I went with stockings.

Not sure how well the colors show up in this picture but the light colored squares are a light pastel purple. For the stockings I started by cutting out a stocking shape from regular lined school paper. I like how easy it tears when it is time to remove the paper. Then I grabbed a bunch of my Christmas strip scraps and went crazy at the sewing machine. Trimmed the stockings, removed the paper and Viola! mini stocking appliqués! I used the same stitch to sew them down as I used on the candy corn. It's kinda like a bunch of Xs and I like how it covers the edge but it isn't as dense as a satin stitch.

Another swap done. Two more left.


  1. Love the scrappy stockings - I might borrow that idea :)

  2. I love these well done they are great
    Hugs Janice

  3. Love your quilt. So very cute!


  4. Are you gonna "fill" my stocking with goodies????? they are cute!!!
    Hugs, Di

  5. I am green with envy! What an adorable quilt. It just shouts Happy Christmas!

    Remind me next year, won't you and I will join in!


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