
Friday, September 3, 2010


 I've received so many warm email wishes after my surgery. It was very heartwarming. I'm sorry that I can't send individual thank yous to everyone but the shoulder only allows so much typing before it gets agitated. So to everyone....

          THANK YOU !!!!!

      When I arrived at the hospital Monday, this single rose was waiting for me. The surgeon gives these to all of his patients on the day of their surgery. So sweet. He also did something that morning that caught me by surprise. When I went to his office to have the site marked he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was nervous about the surgery but once he gave me the kiss I instantly relaxed. The kiss caught me off guard and I guess that is why it relaxed me. I left his office with a smile. It's the little things that really matter.

Now for a little tour of the back yard. We have been getting lots of tropical weather lately which means lots and lots of rain. Rain and humidity brings....

...giant mushrooms and foggy camera lenses. The one mushroom in the foreground was 6" across. I say was because Robbie saw them the next day and had fun stomping and kicking them. Boys lol.

The mushrooms were on the right side of the backyard and these flowers are growing wildly on the left side.  They are growing along the neighbor's fence in the empty field out back. They are a soft shade of purple. Very pretty.

There are lots of flowers growing along the back of the fence. We have some very pretty wild flowers down here. I like some of them better than the ones you can purchase. Plus, since they grow wild they are harder to kill ;)

In the same general area is this fruit tree. You can barely see the bird's nest up there. It has been there for a couple years and has been visited by a few different kinds of birds. The last bird I saw using the nest was a Blue-Jay. We see lots of Blue-Jays throughout the year in our backyard.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend!!


  1. How nice to have such a thoughtful Surgeon.
    Pleased you are home and enjoying a walk around the yard.
    Congratulations on winning the giveaway run by Zlaty.

  2. Nice tour of your yard! Don't overdo it with the typing, okay???

  3. Remind me if I ever need surgery to come down and visit you and go to your surgeon!!!!!! Way to go-girl friend!!!!!
    Hugs, Di

  4. Uh oh! I got behind on my blog reading and you had surgery!!!! Hope your shoulder is doing well! Thinking of you! Sounds like your surgeon is very thoughtful :o)


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