
Thursday, October 7, 2010

2010 Stocking Give A-Way

As I mentioned a bit ago I plan on having a stocking give a-way next month. I am going to make a stocking and fill it with goodies based on a theme. I thought it would be fun to have some other bloggers join in too. Everyone loves a give a-way right? It's fun to win but I also love to host give a-ways.

What I was thinking is that we do a give a-way towards the end of November. What I was wondering is how long we should hold it. One week or two? I put up a poll on the side bar so anyone interested can vote on the dates.

I tried several times to get the HTML for a button but it appears to be beyond my ability right now. At least I was able to make the picture with the writing on it :)

I also made a tab at the top of my blog to list everyone who is interested in participating. On the first day of the give away I will use Mr. Linky so everyone can link right up to their give away page.

Sound good? Did I forget anything? Oh, you need information about making stockings? I have a few links for you :)  great if you have a panel type fabric  lots of different styles   lots more  different shapes   strip piece stocking   easy  Victorian  my favorite

A Google search will give you lots of ideas.

Anything else? Oh yeah, your stocking can be store bought or hand made. Any size is fine. I have some stockings in my shop that you could purchase. Or, I am willing to exchange fabric for a stocking ;) You can give away an empty stocking if you wish but it would be more fun if you put something in it. Some themes you could use are Baby's First Christmas, Puppy or Kitty Love, sewing or quilting, food, kid's creativity, most anything goes. Just have fun.

Now, did I answer everyone's questions? If not, ask away and I will edit this post to include the questions and answers. OK, now go over to my sidebar and vote on the date you prefer. The date with the most votes wins.


  1. Oh! Sounds like fun! I will think about doing this... but I'm not sure yet. I'm usually running crazy during holiday season. Between lots of subbing, trying to make many gifts, and an insane concert schedule for two bands, there aren't many minutes left :o)

  2. Can I buy the stocking and then fill it with goodies? or is that totally taking away from the idea?

  3. How did i miss this post?

    I would still like to participate!


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