
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Couple Scarves

This rainbow scarf is a toddler length. I bought one skein of this yarn a couple years back because I love the colors. It sat in the yarn stash for a long time. I found it again recently and decided to whip up a quick scarf.

I found this yarn the other day at Walmart. I've always liked blue and yellow together. I crocheted this one sideways so the colors wouldn't line up exactly like they do when you crochet side to side.

That's 2 of the 6 scarves I'm hoping to get done.

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing--girl friend!!! I do not believe you sleep, eat, or do housework!!!! the scrafs are soo pretty--and you are fast with those needles!!!!
    I don't even have a list written out yet!!!!!
    Hugs, Di
    PS I get sooo many comments on the bag you make me--I am using it all the time right now!!!


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