
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Still Here Just Napping

I thought I would pop in and let everyone know that I am doing fine after Monday's surgery. I haven't been quite myself as you can imagine. The anesthesia fog is clearing so that is a good thing. I can now have a normal thought and stay awake for more than a couple hours at a time lol. The shoulder is stiff/swollen and of course it hurts alot and often but it is doing just what it is supposed to be doing. I am being a very good patient and following my therapist's and doctor's orders. I can now type for a bit so you might start hearing from me again. I do want to thank everyone for checking in on me, I appreciate it. Please take this as a big hug and thank you to everyone!! Soon I will be able to write more blog posts and actually answer individual emails. I'm already sketching some new ideas in my quilt sketch/idea book and can't wait to get at my sewing machine again.

I leave you with this picture of my get well plant from my sister. She was determined to make me dinner, dessert or buy me any kind of snack but I refused. So, she showed up at my door with this plant. She did good too because this plant is one of those hard to kill kind. It doesn't like much sun or water so it should be safe at my house. I do tend to either pay too much attention or not enough attention to my plants.


  1. Glad to hear you're healing well. Take it easy, and try not to overdo it!

  2. I can have the same problem with my plants!! Glad to know you are on the mend--take care now--

  3. I'm glad to hear you're doing well and following the doctors orders! I'm also the type that needs a hard to kill plant. Brown thumb all the way.

  4. I am glad that you are doing okay and on the mend.

    Love the plant....

  5. Glad to hear your taking it easy & following orders!!
    Love the plant!

  6. Great to hear that you are on the mend. Take care of yourself!

  7. You have been missed! Just so you know. I hope tyhis is the very last of the surgerys now for a long, long time. You have had enough this past year.

    Continue taking good care of yourself - and Robin, for goodness sakes let your sister make you food. :-)

  8. What a perfect perky bright flower to have to make you feel warm and sunny on the inside!! Just like the palm trees in your new layout --LOVE IT!!

    I'm glad to hear you are healing well!

  9. Glad to hear that you are back and that the surgery was successful :o) Take care!

  10. so glad you are doing are such a good friend Robin and I dont know what I would do without you.....NO MORE SURGERIES! (just kidding, but it would be nice huh?)


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