
Monday, October 31, 2011

Pattern Give Away

Give away closed...

Happy Halloween everyone!!

  Myspace 3D Fantasy Graphics Fantasy Women Clipart
Free Photos Quotes

A bit ago I had an order for some crochet items.

I made 2 candy corn cat appliques, 2 butterfly wash cloths, 3 chicken egg cozies, 3 covered baskets, 2 flip flop wash cloths, 3 round tawashi wash cloths, and 2 thread butterflies.

The candy corn kitties are cute!

How is everyone doing with their stockings? I've seen some really cute stockings on a few different blogs already. I have a few stockings made but I'm hoping to get a few more made before the end of the month. I haven't decided which stocking to use for the 2011 Stocking Give-Away yet.

Are you participating in the stocking give-away this year? Have you made a stocking yet? I'm adding a Mr. Linky to this post if you would like to link up to your finished stocking. While you are making a stocking you might want to make a second one to donate to Purple Panda Quilts Stockings For Kids.  Lyanna is trying to collect 50 stockings for a group of foster kids. I know I plan on donating at least one (but probably more) stocking for the kids. Lyanna is also hosting give aways for those who send in stockings.

Speaking of give aways....

I have these two patterns to give away this week. I will draw a winner next Tuesday.

For a chance to win:

1. leave a comment
2. have a 2011 stocking give-away button on your blog
3. link up to your post that has your finished or in progress stocking or even the fabric you think you might want to use or even a favorite stocking pattern.

That gives you 3 ways to enter. To make it easy on you go ahead and leave all three in the same comment. I like to write everyone's names on a piece of paper and toss them in a bowl so Hubby can pick a winner. Makes him happy :)

If you hang out over on Pinterest I've been collecting stocking patterns and have them all pinned here. There are so many versions out there I'm sure there is something for everyone.  I do love simple stockings and will be making several of these this year but I also like pieced stockings. How about using your family's old jeans? I think making stockings from an old quilt that is no longer usable is a terrific idea!

Now you can see my dilemma....there are just too many wonderful ideas for stockings. Maybe I should just make stockings from now on and forget about making anything else....Nah!

Have a great week and go easy on the candy!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

traveling stash

The Traveling Stash is on the move again.  Sarah will be drawing a name on the 30th.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Stockings for Kids

Lyanna over at Purple Panda Quilts is hosting a stocking drive. Lyanna works with foster children and she would like each child to have a handmade stocking of their very own this year. I know with my kids having a stocking with their name on it is a big deal. For children in foster care it is even more important.

Lyanna has gathered a bunch of quilters to post stocking tutorials on her blog every Tuesday. There is also a Flickr group to join.

Of course there are some amazing sponsors and giveaways scheduled.

I have a couple stockings that I made while practicing for this year's stocking giveaway that I will be donating.  I'm sure I will also be trying out a few of the tutorials that are posted also.

We have friends who are foster parents. They told us that many times the kids arrive at their house with nothing. Sometimes the babies are only wearing diapers with no clothes. You can imagine how important it is for a foster child to have something they can call their own.

"Please join in and help make a stocking for a foster child this holiday season and give them something they can call their own!"  ~Lyanna