
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Stockings for Kids

Lyanna over at Purple Panda Quilts is hosting a stocking drive. Lyanna works with foster children and she would like each child to have a handmade stocking of their very own this year. I know with my kids having a stocking with their name on it is a big deal. For children in foster care it is even more important.

Lyanna has gathered a bunch of quilters to post stocking tutorials on her blog every Tuesday. There is also a Flickr group to join.

Of course there are some amazing sponsors and giveaways scheduled.

I have a couple stockings that I made while practicing for this year's stocking giveaway that I will be donating.  I'm sure I will also be trying out a few of the tutorials that are posted also.

We have friends who are foster parents. They told us that many times the kids arrive at their house with nothing. Sometimes the babies are only wearing diapers with no clothes. You can imagine how important it is for a foster child to have something they can call their own.

"Please join in and help make a stocking for a foster child this holiday season and give them something they can call their own!"  ~Lyanna


  1. This is such an awesome thing to do....

  2. Thank you so much for posting about the stocking drive and helping to spread the word! =)

  3. What a wonderful way to put a big smile on a childs face.
    Good on ya!!!

  4. I will certainly be contributing in any way I can. Thanks for the link to the stocking tutorials.

  5. This looks like a very worthy cause!! I will check out her site and get the particulars. Thanks for the heads up! ~karen


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