
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stocking Winner

I waited for Robbie to come home from school today to draw the winner of the stocking I made and all it's goodies hidden inside. I printed out all the comments (103), cut them up, folded them, and put them in a bowl. Shook it like crazy, picked up the one that fell out (hehe) and let Robbie loose on the bowl. After he swished the papers around a bit he chose.....

and the winner is

....JANET !!!  Janet's favorite song is I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. Congratulations Janet, I've sent you an email for your address. If for some reason I do not hear from Janet in the next three days I will have Robbie choose another winner.

I want to thank all the bloggers who joined me this year by giving away a stocking on their blog! I would also like to say thank you to everyone that entered all the giveaways! I found so many new blogs to follow. There are so many talented and fun bloggers out there and not enough time in the day.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

traveling stash

The Traveling Stash (at least one of them) is up fro grabs again. Head on over to PhillysBlarney for all the details.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stocking give-away time !!!

**  Give-away closed - winner announced soon **

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. We had a very relaxing day. We snacked, ate lots of turkey and yummy side dishes, and stuffed ourselves with delicious desserts. I missed the parades but we did do our usual movie marathon. This year it was the last two Harry Potter movies. Most of us had already seen them at the theater but Justin hadn't seen the last one yet. All in all it was a very relaxing day.

Now on to the give-away !!!

This year I am giving away this scrappy striped stocking stuffed with goodies. I'm not going to show you the goodies so that the winner will be surprised when the stocking arrives.

The rules are very simple....Leave a comment if you would like a chance to win this stocking and all it's surprises. To make it a bit more fun, let me know what your favorite Christmas song is. I've always loved Silent Night but I also love to sing all the "fun" carols with the kids like Jingle Bells, etc.

After you leave a comment check out the other blogs (Mr. Linky has a list at the end of this post) that are joining me in giving away a stocking filled with goodies. Come back in a couple days to see who else linked up.

That's it, easy peasy. I'll keep the comments open until December 5th. Then on December 6th I will have Hubby or Robbie draw a name and that person will be the winner. Please make sure I have a way to contact you if you win.

This give-away is open to everyone no matter where you live.

*****If you are a blogger that is joining me and giving away a stocking this week, please add a link to your give-away in Mr. Linky so everyone can come visit your blog*****.

p.s. I used the tools over at Picnik to make the frame around my stocking if anyone is curious.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I was playing in my Christmas scraps recently and came up with these stockings. I only had enough red to make cuffs for three of them though. It's OK because they aren't all going to the same place. Plus, I like the odd ball green one :)

The one with the trees on the back will be going to Purple Panda's stockings for kids stocking drive. One of the others will be given away later this month as part of the 2011 Stocking Give Away here on my blog.

The lining fabric was given to me recently by my neighbor at her garage sale. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Winner- - - - -

I let Robbie choose the winner of the patterns. He chose Cheryll over at Gone Stitchin'  as the lucky blogger.I've sent you an email. Congratulations!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Pattern Give Away

Give away closed...

Happy Halloween everyone!!

  Myspace 3D Fantasy Graphics Fantasy Women Clipart
Free Photos Quotes

A bit ago I had an order for some crochet items.

I made 2 candy corn cat appliques, 2 butterfly wash cloths, 3 chicken egg cozies, 3 covered baskets, 2 flip flop wash cloths, 3 round tawashi wash cloths, and 2 thread butterflies.

The candy corn kitties are cute!

How is everyone doing with their stockings? I've seen some really cute stockings on a few different blogs already. I have a few stockings made but I'm hoping to get a few more made before the end of the month. I haven't decided which stocking to use for the 2011 Stocking Give-Away yet.

Are you participating in the stocking give-away this year? Have you made a stocking yet? I'm adding a Mr. Linky to this post if you would like to link up to your finished stocking. While you are making a stocking you might want to make a second one to donate to Purple Panda Quilts Stockings For Kids.  Lyanna is trying to collect 50 stockings for a group of foster kids. I know I plan on donating at least one (but probably more) stocking for the kids. Lyanna is also hosting give aways for those who send in stockings.

Speaking of give aways....

I have these two patterns to give away this week. I will draw a winner next Tuesday.

For a chance to win:

1. leave a comment
2. have a 2011 stocking give-away button on your blog
3. link up to your post that has your finished or in progress stocking or even the fabric you think you might want to use or even a favorite stocking pattern.

That gives you 3 ways to enter. To make it easy on you go ahead and leave all three in the same comment. I like to write everyone's names on a piece of paper and toss them in a bowl so Hubby can pick a winner. Makes him happy :)

If you hang out over on Pinterest I've been collecting stocking patterns and have them all pinned here. There are so many versions out there I'm sure there is something for everyone.  I do love simple stockings and will be making several of these this year but I also like pieced stockings. How about using your family's old jeans? I think making stockings from an old quilt that is no longer usable is a terrific idea!

Now you can see my dilemma....there are just too many wonderful ideas for stockings. Maybe I should just make stockings from now on and forget about making anything else....Nah!

Have a great week and go easy on the candy!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

traveling stash

The Traveling Stash is on the move again.  Sarah will be drawing a name on the 30th.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Stockings for Kids

Lyanna over at Purple Panda Quilts is hosting a stocking drive. Lyanna works with foster children and she would like each child to have a handmade stocking of their very own this year. I know with my kids having a stocking with their name on it is a big deal. For children in foster care it is even more important.

Lyanna has gathered a bunch of quilters to post stocking tutorials on her blog every Tuesday. There is also a Flickr group to join.

Of course there are some amazing sponsors and giveaways scheduled.

I have a couple stockings that I made while practicing for this year's stocking giveaway that I will be donating.  I'm sure I will also be trying out a few of the tutorials that are posted also.

We have friends who are foster parents. They told us that many times the kids arrive at their house with nothing. Sometimes the babies are only wearing diapers with no clothes. You can imagine how important it is for a foster child to have something they can call their own.

"Please join in and help make a stocking for a foster child this holiday season and give them something they can call their own!"  ~Lyanna

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

2011 Stocking Give Away

***Give away closed. Congratulations Pam!! ***

This year has been flying by. Before we know it Christmas will be here. How are you doing on making your Christmas gifts? I have absolutely zero gifts made lol. It looks like this year is going to be the year of the gift card! At least I know everyone will get exactly what they want, right?

I made a new button for this year's Stocking Give Away. It even has a code box (thanks to my wonderful Daughter) to make it easy for everyone to add to their blog. Shocking!! You can find the button over there --------> on the top right side of my blog.

If you're new or just want to know what I'm jabbering about see this post. Basically it says this:

" We will be making a stocking and filling it with any fun goodies of your choosing. Your stocking will need to be made and posted on your blog in time for the giveaway. This year you should be prepared to have your blog posts up on November 28th. With the drawing to be held on December 5th. That gives everyone the opportunity to shop on Black Friday for any great deals and also gives the stocking time to reach it's destination in time for Christmas."

Your stocking can be handmade or store bought. You can give away just the stocking or you can add some goodies that may or may not fit inside the stocking. 

I will be doing mini random give aways between now and then. 

Mandy made this image for me too :)

To be entered in this mini mystery give away just add the 2011 Stocking Give Away to your blog and then add your blog link to Mr. Linky below.  Even if you aren't interested in giving away a stocking you can still enter this give away.  Want to know what I will be giving away? That's a good question...I haven't decided yet. It could be a quilt pattern, or some fabric, or..... If you would like an extra entry you can post about the stocking give away and send them over here to learn more. I'll draw a name on October 1st.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Flannel quilts

A few months back I bought a flat rate shipping box full of fabrics. In that box was 90   7" flannel squares all cut and ready to be used in a rag quilt. The box even included pre-cut batting squares but I knew there was no way I was going to make another rag quilt. I split them up and made a couple baby/lap quilts.

I've only used flannel for lounge pants so these are the first quilts I have made from flannel. I love how soft they feel. I do need to buy some backing fabric for them. I haven't decided if I want to use the cool feel of cotton or keep with the soft warmth and use a flannel backing. I'll figure it out when I go fabric shopping.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I started working on the strings for my donation for Quilts of Valor through Heartstrings. I was given a large amount of white strings so I decided to make this top mostly white to be a bit different.  It takes 48 blocks to make a quilt so I have a long way to go.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rugs & Runners Workshop giveaway


Becky over at Patchwork Posse is having a giveaway for an upcoming workshop. The winners (yes there will be two lucky winners) will be announced tomorrow so hurry on over to enter.

Just to give you a heads up on what you will be winning:
  • · Rugs & Runners Online Workshop. For 4 months, a new pattern for a Table Runner + an adjustment for a Mug Rug will be posted. These are exclusive patterns by super talented designers! Each month the patterns will feature a different season. The workshop site is available 24/7 allowing you to sew on your own time and in your own home. Besides the patterns you will have access to a gallery to post your photos, a forum to ask questions, and a community of worldwide members. Don’t miss out on these great patterns by your favorite designers!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Christmas in July

I've always loved Christmas in July. I love Christmas and all it's bright lights and sparkle. I enjoy the wrapped presents even more than what's in the boxes sometimes. It's been a couple years since I really went all out at Christmas but this year I am feeling the decorating vibes again.

I'm cutting it very close with this blog post for Christmas in July! Nothing like waiting until the last minute. Pam over at Gingerbread Snowflakes joined me and some other bloggers for the 2010 Stocking Give Away. Several of us are already excited for this year's stocking give away. Pam being the organized person that she is ordered some stocking panel fabric earlier this year. She so very generously sent me a section of one of the panels. There were large stockings and small stockings on the panel(s). Pam sent me a set of small (oops I was wrong, these are the large ones) stockings.

click for a closer view

I thought the designs just screamed for some embroidery and bead accents. I think I will be making one stocking out of these pieces. I thought about making two stockings and trying to find the right backing but changed my mind. No big surprise there. I am always changing my mind alot of times at the last minute.

If anyone is interested in joining me for this year's stocking giveaway I will be hosting it again. We will be making a stocking and filling it with any fun goodies of your choosing. Your stocking will need to be made and posted on your blog in time for the giveaway. This year you should be prepared to have your blog posts up on November 28th. With the drawing to be held on December 5th. That gives everyone the opportunity to shop on Black Friday for any great deals and also gives the stocking time to reach it's destination in time for Christmas.

This year I will be giving away a stocking (or two) filled with goodies. I will also be having a drawing for prizes for those blogs that are participating in the stocking giveaway. I'm thinking that a gift basket for the grand prize would be fun to win and fun for me to make.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Directions? Who needs directions?

When Mandy left for the Army I put her old roll top desk out to the curb. It was picked up quickly like most things I put out to the road. Since we live on a main road I don't have to worry about things going to the dump, they always seem to find a new home. Now that she is back home she decided she needed a new desk. We found a reasonable priced desk at Walmart. This box seemed to have a few "extra" pieces though. In the bottom left corner (by the dirty laundry lol) you can see part of some triangle wood pieces. This desk doesn't have any triangle areas so I don't know why they are there.

Mandy did follow the pictures for the most part but I think she winged it a bit here and there too. I think we all do that even with our quilting. I know I do and then I end up using the seam ripper again.

Here is Mandy's finished desk. I think she did a great job! This is where she spends lots of time working on the computer and drawing. I'll post some of her drawings later. She has turned an old childhood hobby into something nice. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pattern Winner

When I was getting ready to chose the winner of the sewing patterns my Daughter asked if she could chose the winner this time. Sure no problem. The lucky winner that Mandy chose is......Barb!

Tomorrow is Mandy's birthday!! She will be 20. I guess that means she is no longer a little girl. We tease her about being "all grown up" now that she is no longer a teenager. What a wild ride!

I thought you might enjoy a few pictures that I happen to have on my laptop.....

This is Mandy and her older brother Justin. I'm guessing Mandy was around 2 and Justin around 5. Justin has always been very protective of his baby sister.

Here's Mandy at Publix (4) with their Mascot Plato. When Mandy was little she had very blonde hair with hints of strawberry blonde here and there. Adorable.

Justin and Mandy were both in one of my sister's weddings. Mandy has only worn a dress a handful of times in her life. She was always too busy getting dirty and climbing trees to worry about looking pretty.  Such cuties.

And then they grow up lol.

Some of you might remember that Mandy met John Stamos recently. Another couple of cuties.

Mandy (the one on the left in a tan t-shirt) and a few of her friends (and her little brother-not in this picture) spent yesterday at the paintball range celebrating her and her friend Beth's (red t-shirt on right) birthdays. They came back with welts and bruises and big smiles.

Happy Birthday sweetie!! I can't wait to see how you grow over the next 20 years.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A new cute bag

It's Sew Kiki is having a give away for an adorable bag kit.  She designed this cute tote bag and is giving away:

A hard copy of the  "Around Town" Bag pattern and all the materials needed to make it, including:

A 33 piece Charm pack of "Around Town" Charms
1 yard linen
1 yard lining fabric from the "Around Town" line from Connecting Threads
1/2 yard contrasting fabric for interior pockets from the "Around Town" line
1/2 yard Pellon Fusible Fleece
A 12 inch zipper
A skein of #5 Perle cotton

You can also go to her blog and purchase the pattern if you can't wait. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hello everyone!  In honor of my little blog vacation I thought I would have a little give away.

Sorry about the gloomy pictures but we have been having some gloomy weather down here in Florida for the last few days.

Up for grabs are two new Simplicity patterns. One is for 5 different bag styles and the other has 6 different skirt patterns.

Plain and simple...leave a comment and I will chose a name on Friday.

I also added a new tab to my blog. If you look up above this post you will see a tab that says Garage Sale. I was going through some of my magazines and patterns and realized that I am running out of shelf space to store all of them so I did a little Spring cleaning. I will be adding more as I sift through all of my magazines. Happy shopping!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Feeling spoiled

I recently received this amazing quilt from my DollQultSwap10 partner Kati. Kati blogs over at from the blue chair. I've actually visited Kati's blog a few times in the past.

I LOVE this quilt! I have always been a fan of black backgrounds (as I'm sure a few of you already know) and the aqua is a new favorite of mine.

The back is stunning too. Love the quilting lines and the label looks great all crooked.

Kati also included some goodies. She used some of her leftover scraps to make this hot pad. Thanks Kati but I don't think this will used in the kitchen. This one will be going up on a wall somewhere too. I also received some fabric to play with. See that simple looking roll with the red tie? I wonder what is in there....

Kati also made these pins. She told me that this was her first time making pins like this. I'm guessing they are clay. I think they turned out great. I especially LOVE the rose! I know how hard they are to make in ribbon, I don't want to even think about how hard they would be in clay.

Thanks Kati!!! Everything is amazing!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

With a little help from my friends

A couple of quilting friends from a quilting forum I like to hang out at knew I was collecting red/white/cream/blue strings to make string blocks for QOV quilts. They were very generous and sent me some of their scraps. It's fun to play with other quilter's scraps! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just One Star or two

Moda put a call out for some help last month. They are trying to make 100 quilts in a 100 days for Quilts of Valor.  I made these two stars last month and sent them in. They are collecting stars until May 1st so if you haven't heard about this project and wish to donate you still have a little bit of time left to make a block or two. They actually go together really fast. I didn't trim my blocks because Moda asked us not too. They will trim the blocks when they arrive. A good idea actually. That way all the blocks will be the same size and they won't have to "fudge" any blocks when they are putting them together.

I was very surprised when I received a package from Moda last week. I couldn't remember winning anything recently so I couldn't wait to open it up. Inside I found this mini charm pack and a thank you note from Moda for sending in two stars. Completely unnecessary but greatly appreciated. I'll probably make a table runner or tote bag with these little squares.

In the past I have scoured the web looking for organizations that took donations for wounded soldiers. I found many sites where people were collecting quilts. The guidelines were very strict and I wasn't sure if I would be able to make many complete quilts so I kept looking. Then I came across the HeartStrings Quilt Project blog. This group collects quilts but also they accept string blocks. Their guidelines are very easy to follow so this is the group I have decided to work with.  I already have 36 blocks for their heart strings project. Next I will be working on string blocks for the QOV group.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hoppy Easter!!

Phill-A-Me-Na Flamingo and I want to wish you and your family a very safe and Happy Easter!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful time with friends and family this weekend. We are having our traditional ham dinner. We will probably spend most of our day playing video games and watching movies together.  Good Friday started Spring Break for our area. It will be great to hear all the neighborhood kids playing outside. I love listening to the kids laughing outside. Some will be riding bikes and others will be swimming. My son has a couple friends and they like to play basketball. Hopefully the low humidity will stick around for awhile so the kids can run around without getting over heated.

Phill-a-me-na Flamingo is one of my favorite friends over in the shop

Saturday, April 23, 2011


When I was working in the Cafe one of our regular ladies asked if I wanted any zucchini. I asked her if she had a garden and she said no, she lives next to a farm. The farmer allows her to pick what she wants from the farm. I thought that was very sweet of the farmer. I told her sure, I love zucchini. I was more than a bit surprised when she came back after lunch and brought me these. That big one is almost 14" long! I took the smaller one (which is still much bigger than ones from the store) and sliced it up like a cucumber. I froze them on a tray and them put them in a Ziploc bag. Those will be used with yellow squash or a couple family favorite dishes. The big guy I peeled and then shredded. The pieces were about 3" long. I layed those out on a cookie sheet and froze them also. Those will go in soups and for zucchini pancakes. I made a few zucchini pancakes already and they turned out great. They had a nice crisp crust and were pretty tasty.

Each Easter and Christmas I buy Peeps. The kids don't like them anymore but the dog and I do. I only eat a pack or two. I'm just a marshmallow lover. You can always find a bag of marshmallows in my cabinet. This week I have caramel/vanilla marshmallows. Anyways...Hubby stopped off at Walgreen's for his monthly cashew fix and he saw these Peeps freezer pops. He knows my marshmallow addiction and thought I would get a kick out of these. I was hesitant especially when I saw that the pops were marshmallow flavored and clear. I froze them and then caved and tried them today. The first bite was delicious. It reminded me of a creamy frosting. Halfway through it just got to be too much. The more I ate the funkier the taste became. Nice thought Peeps but a fail in my opinion.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Flashback and the famous

When our kids were young we always watched Full House as a family. We have even watched it recently thanks to Nick at Night. Anyone who has watched this show knows that Uncle Jessie (John Stamos) was the heart throb of the show. He had girls of all ages swooning when he sang. Of course I thought he was cute but it was always the Olson twins that I loved to watch.

You're probably wondering why I am posting about an old family favorite like Full House. Well it's because of this....

Mandy got to meet John Stamos last night. Sorry the picture isn't any bigger but I "stole" it from her Facebook page. John Stamos and The Beach Boys held a concert in Naples, Florida last night. One of Mandy's friends had plans to hang out outside the concert so they could meet John Stamos. They didn't have tickets, they were either too expensive or sold out so they goofed around for awhile listening to the music from outside the place they were playing. I didn't get the whole story but obviously they met up with Uncle Jessie afterwards and.....

Mandy got her arm autographed. The girls were all giggly and OMG OMG I will never wash my arm again lol.  I'm just thrilled that Mandy was smiling in the picture. I love to see that girl smile. It lights up her whole face.

So, have you met anyone famous? I haven't.

OK, I found a way to get a bigger picture.