
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another round of Viking hats

How I spent the month of January

Back in January of 2010 I had a custom order for 34 blue and grey Viking hats. The hats were for a group of high school cheerleaders from Staten Island, NY that were going to a cheerleading competition down here in Florida. This year the same school (different girls) ordered another set of 19 Viking hats because they once again were going to a competition down here.

I haven't been in the sewing room much lately and I sure do miss it. I think I will need to spend some quality time with my sewing machine very soon. I have a couple projects that need to be finished soon.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A few finishes

Before making my too long UFO list I actually finished a few quilts. The one above needed binding and it's twin

also needed some binding. I love the aqua and brown and those little elephants are adorable.

More binding finished off this little doll quilt.

Guess what? Yep, just needed binding.

Another finish that just needed binding. Notice a trend here? I seem to lose steam when it comes to the binding stage.

Added the binding...

...and some more binding lol.

That's it for now but I think crossing 7 quilts off the UFO list is a good start to the year.  It seems January is a good month for custom orders so I won't be able to get anymore projects crossed off the list for a bit. At least I will still be creating though. I enjoy working on custom orders so it's ok.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The List....the very, very long list

I had already decided that this year would be the year I finish up all of my UFOs from previous years (it's an ambitious goal but you know what they say...go big or go home) when I came across a fun blog .  . Sew It's Finished is a blog where a bunch of bloggers have gotten together to motivate each other to finish UFOs from previous years and cheer when someone finishes a project.

I went through some of my old UFOs and grabbed some pics so I could list them here for accountability. I skipped all the little things like the HSTs that are sewn but not ironed or trimmed and all the coins I cut for some coin quilts.

It's been rainy and dreary today so the pics aren't the greatest.

In no particular order...

1. blocks in  a baggie

2. This is a very large pile of blocks from swaps that I joined over the last couple years.  They need to become quilts, table toppers, or tote bags.

3. my string blocks with black centers

 4.  tufted tweets quilt. Needs borders sewn together.

5. snowmen wall hangings

 6. Bonnie Hunter workshop quilt

7. Valentine's quilt

8. brown kite. Just needs the binding sewn to the back and the tail added.

9. Pastel and white. I didn't make this flimsie, it came to me in a box of scraps.

10. Tropical

11. snowflake runner

12. Central Park goes grey

13. red, white, and blue stars

14. large star. Just needs binding

15. crazy pinwheels

 16. green

17. stockings

18. September calendar quilt

19. Thimbleberries apple cores

20. Christmas strings

21. Halloween swap quilt

22. pink and grey thrifty top

23. I spy a circle quilt

24. Christmas zig zag

25. doll quilts

26. brown and purple

27. black 4 square

28. I have no name for this because the list is getting too long for me to be creative lol

29. ME stripes

30. 2 Boo table toppers

31. Samoan stars.

32. embroidery blocks

33. Birdie blocks. I still a few more to make

34.  USA quilt needs binding

35. World quilt needs binding

36. flannel #1

37. flannel #2 ( don't ya just love my creativity?)

38. owl quilt

39. dinosaur quilt

40. grey and green pinwheels plus

41. boy 9 patch

42. Oh! Cherry-Oh coin quilt

43. girl 9 patch

44. owl 9 patch

45. Christmas 9 patch

46.  Birthday wonky log cabins

 Oh boy is that a long list!