
Saturday, January 21, 2012

A few finishes

Before making my too long UFO list I actually finished a few quilts. The one above needed binding and it's twin

also needed some binding. I love the aqua and brown and those little elephants are adorable.

More binding finished off this little doll quilt.

Guess what? Yep, just needed binding.

Another finish that just needed binding. Notice a trend here? I seem to lose steam when it comes to the binding stage.

Added the binding...

...and some more binding lol.

That's it for now but I think crossing 7 quilts off the UFO list is a good start to the year.  It seems January is a good month for custom orders so I won't be able to get anymore projects crossed off the list for a bit. At least I will still be creating though. I enjoy working on custom orders so it's ok.


  1. Sewing the binding is the least fun part of quilt making - although it means that you are nearly done. Lovely finishes - congrats.

    Hugs, Kaye xoxox

  2. I don't mind the binding as it is the finishing step - quilting is the hardest for me as I wrangle all that fabric under my machine, although basting is a pretty good workout too. Who knew that quilting would be so physical? lol.

    Great to have 7 off your list!!

  3. wow--good for you though--
    now me---I have added probably '7' new ufo's!!!!
    Have fun with the orders--
    take care--
    Hugs, Di and miss gracie

  4. That is sooooooooooooooo awesome!!!

  5. I don't mind binding. I like that US map quilt. NICE

  6. How good is that to be able to cross off 7 UFO's.
    I always sew my bindings on by machine. that makes it faster.

  7. Yup! I new it! A binding block! Good for you moving beyond it and completing SEVEN UFO's!

  8. whoooeee! i love it. you go girl. did you get all the bindings done? or do you need some more since you are on a roll-- i have a few!
    i totally whimp out on this finish too. lol

  9. Wow! You have been busy! They all look great..and I am so not a binding kind of girl!

  10. Wow, Robin, that's a lot of finshes -- and probably a mile of binding! Love the first quilt with the elephants. Amy recently made a zig zag quilt using that fabric, it is so adorable! Thanks for linking up with us!

  11. wow! saf's right about the elephant fabric. it's so cute i had to use it in a baby quilt, even though when i bought it i didn't know who it would be for!

  12. WOW! I'm impressed! No wonder you don't have time for ornaments right now!!!!! hahaha! Those are lovely.

  13. That's a lot of finishes! Way to go. Love your quilts.


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