
Sunday, October 1, 2017

October WiPs

Another month has come and gone in the blink of an eye again. October is a favorite time of year for me. It holds so many promises of what's to come. The most important is cooler weather. In my area of Florida, October means less humidity and temps in the low 90's. On rainy days we can even see the low 80's. Some mornings I can even open the windows for an hour or so. Just long enough to air the house out and tease of cooler days. During the Summer I have blinds and heat blocking curtains on all the windows which makes the house a bit dark so anytime I can open the curtains and windows is a good day.  I also look forward to the leaves changing to golden yellow and fire red. Our leaves stay green year long but I do love seeing videos and pictures from up North.

I finished my basic vanilla socks. I use this pattern but I knit them concurrently on two sets of needles magic loop style.  I was given this yarn and I have no clue what it is or what colorway. The purple is Michael's woolike sock weight yarn.

This is my Hurricane Irma project. I cast it on just before Irma hit so I would have a project to work on while sitting and waiting. It is the Antler Cardigan by TinCan Knits. I know it looks like candy corn right now but I will be adding the pink yarn next followed by the blue. This is my first time knitting a sweater bottom up and so far I like it better than top down but that may change when I get to the sleeves. Actually, I think I might prefer knitting sweaters in pieces and sewing them together instead of all in one piece like this sweater and others I have made. I am using some Knit Picks sport weight instead of the suggested worsted weight yarn so I went up a size. Looks like it should fit okay.

I finished another two dishcloths. I use the Grandmother's favorite dishcloth pattern but I adjust the increases so there is no hole along the edges. I feel that this looks just a little cleaner.

As usual I always have another dishcloth on the needles.

Instead of casting on another pair of socks I've decided to make some fingerless gloves for myself. I am using the Knotty gloves pattern but I won't be making the full fingers. I'm thinking about stopping around the first knuckle, just enough to hold the gloves in place but still allow my fingers freedom. I don't have the tag in front of me but the yarn is something psychedelic sounding lol.

My poor mitre square blanket only had four lonely squares added in September. There are several KALs starting for this blanket. I knew I would be joining the Advent-a-long in December but I found out there is also at least one KAL in October. Same principle-knit a square a day all month so by the end you have added 31 new squares to your blanket. Whether you do one a day or 7 on Sunday doesn't really matter. My plan is do 1 a day (or it's equivalent) for October, November, and December. Maybe by then it will become a habit and I can get this blanket finished and start something new.

Yesterday was the first day I picked up my HocusPocusville project. I managed to get a whole "row" stitched though so that was good. I love to sit in my chair, watch a movie, and stitch but by the end of the day I am always nodding off. While I can knit a little in my sleep, I am horrible at sleep embroidery ;)


  1. well--I can be 'horrible' at just regular cross stitch and not even be watching tv--then the next time I can do it great!!! I have not done any counted cross stitch this year--whereas last year I did the monthly ones and kept up pretty much--love displaying each months on a little stand I have!!!
    and my goodness you have alot of projects going--I got some self stripping yarn in NY to make a pair of socks--and I like to make both socks at the same time--2 different sets of needles--but I am not sure how to start them and get them to match--have wound the yarn into 2 balls--but have not cut them apart--as they seem to be way off in finding where to start them both--grrr!!! where you always have the dish cloths on the needles mine is the baby sweaters--got one off the needles today and got the yarns wound for the next one--though I did look for a different pattern today as I have done over 50 with the same pattern--but--nothing else 'shouted' out to be knitted sooo--
    and I too am thinking about doing fingerless mittens but not for me--for Christmas gifts--
    so my friend--we do think alike--
    it has rained and rained here nearly all day!!!
    enjoy the moments, di

  2. How I would love to be able to make all of your projects


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