
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Do not visit Barb this month

I am politely asking that you please stay away from Barb's blog for a couple weeks. She is giving away a Go! cutter and I really want one! If you do decide to visit her (and take your chance at winning) please let her know that I sent you.


  1. That would be nice to win, my mom has one and it makes cutting a lot of shapes so much easier! Good Luck

  2. You are so funny!! Thanks!!

  3. I don't need any more 'stuff' right now, so I'll keep my name out to give you more of a chance!

  4. You are so funny!!!! I am not going over there--it's all yours--I have enough "toys" right now!!!!
    Love your new background!!!
    Hugs, Di

  5. tehe...goodluck then! Wondering if you have received your Mermaid package from me? I always get worried when I haven't heard, usually Australia Post is pretty good. :)

  6. LOL too late.... I put my name in the hat.. but I was almost late being able to do that!!! Your a funny girl :)


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