
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mermaid Love

May's theme over at YOE was mermaids. These are the goodies I sent to Natalie. These goodies had a long flight to Australia so I wanted to make things that weren't going to be too heavy to mail. I was reading on her blog that she was starting to make felt food for her little guy. Thought it would be fun to make a few items to add to his kitchen. I love working with felt.

Natalie sent me these wonderful goodies. I have never seen a mermaid cookie cutter before. See the quilled mermaid ornament in the box. Amazing! I have tried quilling before and it isn't easy especially without the right tools.


  1. I love your felt things for the kitchen I am sure Natalies little guy will love them.

    You got a lovely collection of mermaids too.

  2. I am feeling a little "wet" here with all those mermaids running around!!!!
    Love the felt "food" and just think -- no calories!!!!

  3. Your felt food is fantastic! I want a bite of that donut....

  4. Your felt food is adorable. Is that a Poptart??? They are a rare commodity in Australia. So cute!!! L,A-


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