
Sunday, June 20, 2010


Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful fathers out there!! Hubby's father passed away when he was a teenager. I think it has been 28 years now. My father passed away last year and my grandfather the year before. We are planning on just staying home since Hubby is the only father to celebrate with. We (Hubby) will be cooking steaks on the grill. I will make a delicious tossed salad to go with it. This year it will only be Me and Hubby and Robbie. The big kids won't be home. Justin is working and Mandy is still in Alabama until Tuesday.

We did celebrate in our normal way yesterday though. Hubby and I always seem to go shopping just before a holiday and buy stuff for the kids and sometimes us. This time everyone but Hubby got something. Strange how that worked out. He really doesn't want or need anything right now. When he needs something he just goes out and gets it.

Let's see what we brought home this time...

Our kids LOVE slushies and snow cones. We have one of those hand crank snow cone makers but it is so hard to crank enough ice for even one cone let alone 5 cones. We looked at these at Target a couple weeks ago but they were $20 and we had others to buy so I decided to wait. Glad I did because we found these on clearance for $13. Even the syrup was on clearance. Strange at the beginning of summer but I'm not complaining! Those things on the side are extendable marshmallow forks. Found those in the Dollar Bins up front. I also picked up a lint roller for when I am sewing and there are threads all over my shirt.

On another end cap I found these plastic plates. They are sold in stacks of 4 for $1.99. I used to have plates similar to these growing up and I have been looking for something like them. They are not the same but will work for now. Dishwasher and microwave safe is a nice bonus feature. I just wish they had some more vibrant colors. I think I need some red to round them out.

I found these adorable gnome garden picks while heading to the grocery section. Also on clearance. My family is so used to getting things on clearance. When a new video game comes out the kids know they have to wait a few months until it goes on sale or clearance. No sense rushing out and getting something if you can wait a couple months and save some money. Target seems to have lots of nice clearance deals throughout the year. Last month they have two piece shorts and t-shirt sets for the little ones marked down to $4. That's $2 for the shirt and $2 for the shorts. Good deal. I bought our youngest grandson (Nathan) four outfits for his upcoming 2nd birthday later this month. Anyways...

We also bought Robbie a slip-n-slide type slide. Within the first hour the part where the hose hooks in blew right out. The poor kid was heart broken. He waited 3 days for this slide. That's almost a life time for an 11 year old lol. Daddy was so sweet and took him back to Target to buy a better one. I will be contacting the company to get a refund for the first one. Things just aren't build the way they used to be.

I hope everyone has a great day! Hug someone you love today :) I know I will.


  1. WOW Robin you got some great bargains. I adore the gnomes and mushrooms.

  2. wow, great buys......I too love the gnomes and mushrooms. happy father's day to your hubs

  3. Looks like you are going to have a fun day!!

  4. I love me some gnomes and shroons. Our kids love slip and slides too...such fun!


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