
Monday, June 21, 2010

Strip Bags

I'm slowly, very slowly trying to use up some of my string scraps. I dug into the Barbie scraps and made this little tote bag.

Simple, simple, simple...

This Halloween one is my favorite though. I think I just love the colors and designs. For the handles I used the orange fabric from the bottom of the bag. I added a ribbon on one side of the handle to give them some strength.

I also added a ribbon around the inside rim.

I also have a couple more bags in the finishing stages. For those I used a bunch of selvages. Those are fun to work with. I'm just trying to figure out the handles. I need to get those finished soon and out of my work area.


  1. what a great idea....I love that Halloween one!

  2. Love your bags...they are soooooooooooooooo cute! Yes, get rid of some of those scraps...did it work, or did they still multiply? We have to find the cause and stop it...

  3. Very cute! I do love the Halloween one. Can't wait to see the rest. L,A-

  4. Hey--I got a whole bag of strings and a drawer full of the selvages--wanna come up and play with mine--somebody needs toooooo!!!!
    Love your bags--great job!
    hugs, Di

  5. I love the first one (Barbie) - cute :O)

  6. I love how you put the ribbon of the halloween one around the rim!


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