
Monday, June 7, 2010

State Fair

This month's pattern for the Year of Schnibbles is State Fair. I really enjoyed making this one. The pattern was simple especially since I only chose the two colors. Most of these fabrics are left over from Mandy's quilt. I'm not a big fan of the piano key borders for all the Schnibbles though. This one needed a simpler border to calm the quilt down. I will be using black for the binding.


  1. Love your State Fair schnibble.

  2. lovely as always with your quilt tops

  3. very nice color choices and love the design. spring fever bingo sent me here. I hope you do well at the fair.

  4. It's only the 7th of the month, and you're finished!?!
    Turned out very pretty!

  5. Oh my you just did another one!!!!
    I did get the pattern in and I thought I knew which charms I was going to use -- until I got on Cotton Charms site last night and ordered some more Charm packs---so now will wait til they get in!!!!
    you are something else my friend!!!
    Hugs, Di

  6. your daughter picks great fabric.....I think I said that better start quilting some of these or you are going to drown in quilt tops!!!

  7. This one looks fabulous! I love the color combination. So fun!

  8. Wow, your State Fair looks great in the black and red combo! You did that one up so fast!!!


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