Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stocking give-away time !!!

**  Give-away closed - winner announced soon **

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. We had a very relaxing day. We snacked, ate lots of turkey and yummy side dishes, and stuffed ourselves with delicious desserts. I missed the parades but we did do our usual movie marathon. This year it was the last two Harry Potter movies. Most of us had already seen them at the theater but Justin hadn't seen the last one yet. All in all it was a very relaxing day.

Now on to the give-away !!!

This year I am giving away this scrappy striped stocking stuffed with goodies. I'm not going to show you the goodies so that the winner will be surprised when the stocking arrives.

The rules are very simple....Leave a comment if you would like a chance to win this stocking and all it's surprises. To make it a bit more fun, let me know what your favorite Christmas song is. I've always loved Silent Night but I also love to sing all the "fun" carols with the kids like Jingle Bells, etc.

After you leave a comment check out the other blogs (Mr. Linky has a list at the end of this post) that are joining me in giving away a stocking filled with goodies. Come back in a couple days to see who else linked up.

That's it, easy peasy. I'll keep the comments open until December 5th. Then on December 6th I will have Hubby or Robbie draw a name and that person will be the winner. Please make sure I have a way to contact you if you win.

This give-away is open to everyone no matter where you live.

*****If you are a blogger that is joining me and giving away a stocking this week, please add a link to your give-away in Mr. Linky so everyone can come visit your blog*****.

p.s. I used the tools over at Picnik to make the frame around my stocking if anyone is curious.


JustCindy said... 1

I love the stocking! My favorite Christmas song is Away in a Manger. I really like them all. lol

Barb said... 2

Oh...I wish I was joining you....What a fun giveaway and fun thing to do.

I love " O Little Town of BEthelem", even tho is it a wonderful givewaay, don't include me..I have been given so many wonderful things lately that maybe someone else would love a chance to win something fun.

Debby said... 3

My favorite - or one of them is White Christmas. Living in the south, we don't ever have snow on Christmas, but the song is beautiful. Love the stocking !!

Anonymous said... 4

Oh the stocking is so pretty,thankyou for a chance to win this lovely stocking,i love all xmas songs,so maybe o christmas tree.

Sarah Payne said... 5

Lovely festive giveaway! My favourite song is "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" - my Grandad used to dance around the living room to this song with me when I was small and it always reminds me of him!

Janet said... 6

I love Christmas carols and Christmas music. Away in the Manger has always been a favorite of mine. I sang it to my kids when they were small.

Chris said... 7

Tks for hosting the Christmas Stocking Give Away Robin, it's going to be fun. Whatever Frank Sinatra sings that's All About Christmas is just fine with me. Cheers

Shari said... 8

Love your stocking! And the ones in your button with the star.

My favourite Christmas song is Joy to the World. We also used this song at our wedding as our processional. Of course I do sing White Christmas as well with a bit of nostalgia. Not likely to ever have that again...

Carol said... 9

Stocking look great,I am excited about
the giveaway. Favourite Christmas song
Joy to the world and white Christmas by
Bing Crosby though.Merry Christmas

RobynLouise said... 10

Another lovely stocking like the pretty one at Golden Lilly Crafts :).
My favourite Christmas carol is an Australian one we used to sing at primary school. It's called the 'Carol of the Birds' and the words give a great picture of them welcoming in Christmas Day.

Teresa said... 11

This is such a lovely idea. Your stocking is just gorgeous.. thank you so much for the chance to win it! My fave Christmas carol is the Little Drummer boy... I heard a rocked up version of it a few years back with great drums in it and it's been my favourite ever since. Thanks so much xx

Cheryll said... 12

I'm in the giveaway but I'd like a chance to win a stocking too... so can I enter my name here.
I love Jingle Bell Rock!

Finding Charm said... 13

This is such a fun giveaway. Learned of it from Christine.
My favorite holiday song is O Holy Night. Can be sung by a choir or a soloist, it's just beautiful to me.

Also, Ave Maria is lovely at Christmas too.

Crochet Addict UK said... 14

Fantastic giveaway. i follow your blog and have linked to your giveaway on your blog. My favorite song for christmas would have to be silent night as well. I'm having a giveaway as well but for 2 crochet patterns:

Anonymous said... 15

Thanks Robin, for hosting this. I added the link to my stocking giveaway.

My favourite traditional song is The Little Drummer Boy. But there are so many fun Christmas songs... one favourite is called Christmas Cookies.

Sheila said... 16

Very pretty stocking ,I'd love to win. My favorite Christmas song is Emmanuel . Thanks

Unknown said... 17

"oh holy night" is my favorite Christmas song. I'd love to win, would surely brighten my Christmas spirit. I can't seem to find it this year with everything going on with E.

Njeri said... 18

Beautiful stocking, my favorite carol is silent night. Celine Dion has a version that is just divine.

Elysian Studios said... 19

Thank you for hosting and organizing this stocking giveaway! Your stocking is so pretty, too!

My favorite Christmas carol (and this is such a hard thing to choose!) would probably be "Carol of the Bells"!

Merry Christmas!

Åse said... 20

I would love to win your stocking - it is beautiful! :) My favourite Christmas song is Holy night - Silent night. Of course we sing the norwegian version "Glade jul". Thanks for the generous give-away!

Gill said... 21

Gorgeous stocking - I would love a chance to win it!
My favourite carol is 'O little town of Bethlehem'

Jo Murray said... 22

A very tempting Christmas gift for some lucky person. I really love 'O Holy Night'.

pam said... 23

Wow Robin! Your stocking is awesome! You know how i love scrappy!

If my name is drawn, would you please send the stocking along with others you are making to Stockings for Kids.

My favorite Christmas song! Dead heat between Winter Wonderland, Drummer Boy and Wizards by Trans Siberian Or.

Woodsong Workshop said... 24

I think my all-time favorite is still O Holy Night.

I made stockings for each of my children when they were babies, which still hang from the mantel for them each year. This year, I am sewing up some strictly-for-fun to decorate other locations!

Woodsong Workshop said... 25

What a fun idea! Thanks!

I think my all-time favorite is still O Holy Night.

Noreen said... 26

What a lovely fun idea! All the stockings look so fun! My favorite carol is "Oh Holy Night".

musicartwords said... 27

What a beautiful stocking!
My favorite carol is "Oh, Come All Ye Faithful".

Thank you for offering this giveaway!

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said... 28

I started to teach my 2 year old "Jungle Bells" yesterday so it is my current fav! :o)

Show and Tell said... 29

Hi Robin....I am your newest follower....My Favourite Christmas song is "The little Drummer Boy"....Your stocking is gorgeous and I would love to win it to hang at my place....Thanks for the chance....Hugs Kate....

Christine M said... 30

Thank you for this lovely giveaway. I think my favourite song would be White Christmas by Bing Crosby.

Betty said... 31

What a cute giveaway stocking. Thanks for the chance to win it. It is to hard to pick my favorite Chirstmas song, I like most of them. The one I do not like is Grandma got run over by a reindeer.

Anonymous said... 32

I've always been a fan of "Mary did You know"

Cross Stitch Crazy Mum said... 33

Its a stunning stocking and I also love Silent Night :)

Valspierssews said... 34

This is a great idea. Thanks for a chance to win your lovely stocking and goodies. I think my favourite song is White Christmas sung by Bing Crosby.

Holly Days Closet said... 35

My Favorite song is Away in a manger every time we would visit my grandma when it was time for bed she would sing us that song. Thanks for a chance to win I love your stocking.

Quilt Kitty said... 36

Lovely stocking. I like Jingle Bell Rock. Tracee xx

JANET said... 37

What a wonderful giveaway. My favorite Christmas song is Go tell it on the Mountian.

Janet said... 38

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day is my favourite carol. Thanks for a chance to win the stocking.

Quilting Chemist (Danette) said... 39

My favorite is Bing singing White Christmas, but I also love all the carols I learned as a child. Thank you for the chance to win your stocking.

Ginger said... 40

What a beautiful stocking just awaiting the thrill of Christmas morning excitement! I'm dreaming of a white Christmas is one of my favorites. Have a wonderful holiday!

Parabolic Muse said... 41

I would love this gorgeous stocking!!
My favorite Christmas song is the Andy Williams version of 'It's the Holiday Season' !

Beth said... 42

I would love to win the stocking. My favorite Christmas song is "O Holy Night".

jodilee0123 said... 43

The Holly and the Ivy is one of my favorites. AND the Carol of the Bells played by George Winston! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Awesome stocking!

Hippy Goodwife said... 44

So pretty! My favourite Christmas song is Good St. Wenceslas. Love it.

Maria said... 45

Hi Robin would love to win your gorgeous stocking.
My favorite Christmas song is "Little Drummer Boy"
My DD2's class sang it when she was only in Kindy and it still brings a tear to my eye each time I hear it.

Binsa said... 46

Hello Robin, would love to be in the draw for the lovely Christmas Stocking....Silent Night is my favourite...Regards, O'faigh

Musicwoman said... 47

What a nice GIVEAWAY.

Please write me to the list. MAy be I have luck.
My favoroute Christmas Carol is WHITE Christmas, followed from RUDOLPH I do like instrumental music of these carols.

Judith / Germany

Wanda said... 48

My favorite Christmas song is "O HOly Night" - I loved it as a child because I could yawn during the OOOOOO parts during late night services!! Now it just brings back great memories and the words are so very beautiful!!
I love your stocking!! Just great fun!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said... 49

I feel like such a ditz - I completely forgot about this fun event :(
My favorite Christmas song is White Christmas.
Your stocking is adorable!!

Sunnybec said... 50

I don't have a stocking so going to try and win one! Thanks for the chance. Linda

marilyn said... 51

I like the stocking alot! My favorite Christmas song is "O Holy Night" (as long as I am not the one singing!)

marilyn said... 52

The stocking is really cute. My favorite Christmas song is "o Holy Night", as long as I am not the one singing!

Michell said... 53

Love the Stocking. Fav Xmas song has to be Snoopy's Xmas. We had to sing it every year at school

Woodsong Workshop said... 54

Beautiful! I think I still love O Holy Night the best...

yorkie mom said... 55

Cuuuute stocking! My favorite Christmas song is "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" Thanks for the chance!

Marcia W. said... 56

Thanks for organizing this year's stocking hop. I enjoyed it last year. My favorite Christmas hymn is Silent Night.

Jeanette said... 57

Love the stocking. I love all Christmas carols but i guess like Oh Come All Ye Faithful best.

knitgirl66 said... 58

What a wonderful giveaway!
I have always liked 'We Three Kings (of Orient are...). I remember singing it in the school choir when I was about 8 years old, and I love hearing it every Christmas.

Melissa Graham said... 59

Love LOve LOVe LOVE the stocking!! I think my favorite Christmas songs are Away in a Manger and Jingle Bells. Jingle Bells because my son who is about to be 7 started singing this song right after he started talking. I was always so cute to here his little baby voice singing Jingle Bells. Good Luck to all and thanks for offering us all a chance to win!


I love "OH HOLY NIGHT" BUT I DO LOVE THEM ALL. Please enter me in your beautiful giveaway. The stocking is so gorgeous. i am a follower also. Thanks Robin.

Nata said... 61

Das ist ja irre! So einen tollen Nikolausstrumpf verlost du!!!
Da mach ich natürlich gerne mit!!

Liebe Grüße aus Norddeutschland!

Kathy S. said... 62

My favorite Christmas song right now is Jingle Bells. I love to hear my 4-year old son sing it!

Angies Place said... 63

Beautiful stocking! My favorite Christmas song is Winter Wonderland...I've been humming it since Thanksgiving!

Mhairi said... 64

Here is a blog that lists my favourite carols.
I love the first three especially.

Karen O said... 65

Great stocking! What a great giveaway idea. I am going to start following you so I can get in on this next year! Thank you - my favorite song is Silent Night.

Catskill Quilter said... 66

I love O Holy Night! Gives me shivers...

Annmarie said... 67

Your stocking is awesome & I love surprises! My favorite Christmas song is "Chestnuts Roasting on the Open Fire."

Anonymous said... 68

Your stocking looks great. It makes me wonder why I haven't done more of them myself. =) My favorite Christmas song is Silver Bells.

Vroomans' Quilts said... 69

Would you believe I don't have a stocking? Haven't for years. Favorite is seasonal song is Ava Maria - I cry like a baby!

Pat V. said... 70

I'm glad you said favorite Christmas song, not carol! My favorite song is "Santa Baby."

heleen said... 71

lovely give away. I love christmas carols and the First Noel is my favourite

free indeed said... 72

I love string projects! Great stocking.
My favorite song is o come ocome emmanuel.

LethargicLass said... 73

Fun stocking :) Mine is "Baby it's Cold Outside"

Anne said... 74

My favorite carol is "Away in a Manger." What a fun giveaway. Thanks for hosting.

Maxine said... 75

My favorite Christmas song is Up on The House Top.

Caroline said... 76

I would love to win the stocking! My favorite Christmas song is "Away in a Manger", and on the lighter, funner side "Grandma got run over by a reindeer".

Doina said... 77

Thank you for a chance to win this lovely stocking!

Needled Mom said... 78

Oh gosh...there are so many wonderful Christmas songs. I would have to say that Silent Night would be my favorite.

ikkinlala said... 79

My favourite Christmas song is Good King Wenceslas, possibly because it's the only one my dad doesn't try to parody.

What a pretty stocking!

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Sallie said... 80

O Holy Night is my favorite, but I also like White Christmases in Houston, and I just heard a new one this a.m. - Mamacita donde esta Santa Claus. Merry Christmas! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said... 81


JustPam said... 82

I love the stocking. My favorite song is What Child is This

Sheryl F. said... 83

Santa Clause is coming to town. Fan4may at aol dot com

Bev C said... 84

What a great stocking. My favourite song is "Jingle bells rock"
Happy days.

Julie said... 85

What a wonderful give away. Thanks. My favorite song is Silent Night.

sherry L. said... 86

Ounce upon a Christmas by kenny and Dolly is my favorite song. Thanks for thegiveaway

The Mayo Family said... 87

Oh how fun!
My favorite CHRISTmas song is
"Silver Bells"! Lovely...
Thank you for a chance to win this great giveaway!
GOD bless~

Anonymous said... 88

my song is little drummer boy would love a chance to win stocking barbara

Peggy said... 89

I love to hear "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem", even without the words.

Linda said... 90

I'd love to be entered into your stocking give away. I'm humming I'll be home for Christmas.

Lyn said... 91

Silent Night has always been a favourite of mine..what a lovely idea for a Christmas surprise..

usagypsy said... 92

White Christmas sung by Mr. Bing of course! I'm such a vintage person!

JoEllen said... 93

I think the stocking is so cute!

My favorite song is "It's Beautiful Under My Tree" by Insync

MoeWest said... 94

Thanks for a chance to win your pretty stocking full of surprises. My favourite Christmas song is "O Holy Night".

Heather said... 95

What a fun giveaway. I love the song "Twisted Christmas" at least I think that is the name. It is funny and reminds me of singing with my sons at Christmas. Perhaps we are a little twisted ourselves!

Deanna said... 96

Oh Holy Night. It gives me the chills every time.

Sandy in Minnesota said... 97

My favorite Christmas song is the Kenny Rogers' "Mary Did you Know?"

Crystal said... 98

Beautiful stocking! My fave carol is Oh Come All Ye Faithful!

Julia Janzen said... 99

Definitely my favorite is "Carol of the Bells". It was one of the songs we sang in the Christmas Pageant I was in many years ago. :)

Anonymous said... 100

Thank you for the chance to win. The stocking is gorgeous.

Anonymous said... 101

Sorry forgot the song. "White Christmas"

Jessica Mayo said... 102

I love it!!!
Please put me in for sure!
My favorite Christmas song is Breath of Heaven (Amy Grant).
Thanks so much for the chance!