Sunday, December 23, 2007

Caution scarf and Babette style afghan

I loved the way the Babette afghan had a variety of size granny squares all put together. I didn't feel like doing the square pattern that was suggested though. I just did a basic granny square instead. I used black to sc the squares together. I like how it makes it look like the black is a border around the squares. I sent this to my step-son (18) in Connecticut for Christmas. This bad boy took 95% of my guy colored yarn...guess that means I just have to go and buy some more.

When I saw this on Knitty Gritty I knew I would be making one! The pattern calls for it to be knit, but I don't like to weave in color change ends in knitting. I always feel like they will work themselves back out. So, I decided to crochet it instead. I did it in smaller sections and then whip stitched them together. I thought all those bobbins for the color changes would get too tangled if I did it all at once. I can see the joins when I look at it, but hopefully when he wears it it won't be too obvious.

The pattern called for it to be knit from end to end, but I thought the letters would look better if I crocheted it from side to side.

I used this knit pattern for the caution scarf:

Here is a link to the knit pattern for the police line do not cross scarf:


Misha said... 1

Love the Scarves and blanket. My son would love the scarves (but I can't knit yet!) and the blanket reminds me of the pieced quilted type my great-grandmother used to hand sew (which I loved!).

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said... 2

Thank you! A hope you have some of Great-grandma's quilts still. What a treasure they are.