A wonderful neighbor, father, husband and human being was killed at 2 am this morning.
The basic details are here:
http://nbc-2.com/articles/readarticle.asp?articleid=20481&z=3Andy and his family have been our new neighbors for a few months now. We have slowly been becoming friends. It has been slow because Andy worked the night shift and slept during the day. We don't like to disturb him or interrupt his family time. He has been doing alot of yard work so their new house can become their home. He was such a kind and sweet man. He was very caring and his family meant the world to him. You could see how much he and his wife Susanna were in love with each other. He knew my husband had been in and out of the hospital many times this year. He always asked how he was feeling and if he needed any help with anything. Our 9 year old son Robbie became quick friends with all three of Andy and Susanna's kids. (4,2,baby). Robbie was at their house most days of the week. Their oldest Samuel, would also come over to our house to play with Robbie. Robbie also became fast friends with Andy. He helped Andy plant trees, and do other things around the house and yard. This is Robbie's first death this close to him. It has been devastating to him. It happened so fast, it is hard for him to deal with. He was just with Andy on Thursday and now he is gone. Both Andy's police force and our towns police force have been at their house since it happened. The family has closed ranks and are not allowing anyone but close family in right now. They are keeping the media out too which is good. They mean wel but they can be annoying. That is ok, we will be there for them when everyone tries to get back to normal.
Robbie has been sitting on our front porch most of the day. He has been watching all the different police cars and undercover cars, and family friends come and go. He is holding his own little vigil out front. It seems to help him cope a little. He was very excited that an actual police officer came over to use our bathroom. Even though he knew Andy was a police officer, he never actually saw him in his uniform. He told me tonight that he has been crying on and off all day. (I had to work 3pm-11:30pm so Daddy was with him).
Tomorrow we are going to make quilts for Susanna and her three kids. When we find out when the services will be, Robbie wants to go to pay his respects. He doesn't want to go near the coffin, but he wants to be part of the ceremony.
This is their wonderful family when they first moved in next door.

My prayers go out to Susanna and their kids, their friends and family....