Luckily, I was off this weekend. I tried to cram as much into it as I could. Saturday was busy doing all those things I try to put off. Laundry, shopping, etc. I did make a really tasty chicken soup that will carry me through the week for dinner at work :)
On Sunday, I finished this blue hat. On Friday, I ran into one of the nurses (Ben) that took care of my hubby last year when he was in the hospital. He asked if I could make him 2 more hats like the thank you one I made for him last year. He has a rather large head and can't find any hats he likes. He likes to wear them when he goes fishing on the island early in the mornings. Even though we are in Florida, it does get a bit chilly a few times a year especially in the a.m. I also made him the red one on Sunday. These hats crochet up real quick. I think it took less than an hour to make the red one. The red yarn must be a bit thicker because it came out larger than the blue.

While I was baking these...

(pretzels, cinnamon/sugar bites, bread) I happened to look out my kitchen window to see this:

Not sure what happened, but after I took this picture, two more fire trucks and four cop cars, and an ambulance showed up too. You could smell a burnt plastic smell in the air every once in awhile. The renters in this house just moved in on Friday. Welcome to the neighborhood! Whatever happened, the fireman only took in a fire extinguisher and after a half hour or so, they all left. Then the maintenance company showed up and was there for quite awhile. We could only guess that when the new renters turned on their heat, there was a problem. No major damage that we could see and no one was hurt.
Later I also cooked up 5.5 dozen hot wings. They were really good. We had a nice tossed salad with them. Hubby had meatballs and sausages in pasta sauce. A little bit of everything.
I had to keep fighting with the dog to keep her out of the kitchen. She really likes to lay down in the middle of the floor and watch me cook...or wait patiently for a snack :)

On Friday, my boss told me she was going to a baby shower on the 7th. I asked her what she bought for the new baby. She said, "I don't know what did you make me? " Gotta love those that support my crafting. I have a few things already made up from my gift box, but I knew she wanted a blanket too. I made this:

I bought this fabric at JoAnn's last year around this time. I wasn't sure what I was going to make but I knew I just had to have this fabric! I think it makes a nice bright baby quilt. I also have enough to make 2 more. Yippee!
The backing is from some sheets I dyed on Thursday. I had three white sheets and a package of turquoise dye. Now I have three turquoise sheets :) I cut up one for the quilt back, and another for some 11" blocks for the BOMs I'm doing.
I also made a couple t-shirt hats for the new baby boy.

Then I put the finishing touches on an adult size viking hat. I also finished another felt Christmas stocking and stitched the back on.

So, how did you spend your weekend?