Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's going to be a crafty Christmas

My son Robbie (9) has been showing more and more interest in crafting with Mom. His ability to do different things has gotten much better this year. When I was at A.C.Moore recently, I found all kinds of fun little crafts for him to do. Some are just gluing, but that is OK. Even big guys need to know how to glue neatly. Most of these were only $1.00 making for a fun and not too costly time.

I always dread the after Christmas let down. The time when the kids have torn all the packages open, played with everything, and are now bored with nothing to do. I thought this year, Robbie and I can have some fun together making things over a few days. Plus, if I can't be there constantly with him he has gotten very good at following directions/pictures on the craft boxes.

I love to see how proud he is of himself when he makes something! I think felt/fleece has been his favorite to work with. He made a hoodie for his best buddy Sparky recently. I only gave the basic help of how to make the shape so it fit Sparky. Then I showed him where he needed to stitch it all together. He made his own button holes too.