I woke up this morning to a drizzly rainy grey day. To bring a little color into my day I decided to make some EPP hexie papers. These are 1" hexies and I bought the punch at JoAnn's using a coupon of course. I bought a couple packs of cardstock at Michael's using a coupon again. Why pay full price? Normally paper pieces are all white but why? All the cardstock was the same price so why not add a little color to my projects? Once I get them all cut out I will go ahead and punch the center hole. You can only punch one at a time otherwise the handle will snap. At least that is what others have said. I'm not willing to push fate so one at a time is fine with me. It's still alot faster than drawing around a template and cutting them out.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Dishcloth Mystery
I found a fun group over on Ravelry recently. It's the Beginner's Knit-along group. Each month they have a couple different knit-alongs going on. I'm not a big fan of mystery-alongs whether they are knitting, crochet, or quilting. I like to see the final project so I can decide on color placement. Knowing this, I still jumped right in and joined the dishcloth mystery-along. Even though I don't know the design it's only one color and a small project.
I went with green because it is the brightest color of cotton I have in the stash. I've noticed that yarn color really effects my mood. Bright colors make me happy and dark colors mellow me out.
So far we have only done the border so I have no guesses at what the design might be. Maybe fireworks for the 4th? We'll get another clue tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Summer fun
It's Summertime! At our house One of the things that mean Summer is here is freezie pops.
We all enjoy them as a cool treat. Even the dog likes to eat them. Mandy taught her to open her mouth so we can shoot a piece of icee in.
I usually buy them by the case so there is plenty in the freezer. I think everyone eats them two at a time.
There is one problem with eating icees though.....your hand freezes while you are eating one. There is a solution...
The freezie cozie! They have cozies for everything now. These little cozies keep little hands and big comfortable while enjoying a Summertime treat. As a bonus they stop that annoying drip of condensation.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Learning something new
I try to either learn new things or learn new ways to do every day things regularly. This week I decided to teach myself how to do entrelec knitting.
I'm using this pattern that also has a video to help explain things. After I got past the first couple tiers things started to go smoothly. It's pretty easy but there is alot of turning. You can see that there is 3 sections on my needles and each section has 8 stitches. You work back and forth on those 8 stitches for a few rows and then move on to the next section. Like I said, lots of turning. There is a way to avoid all that turning and it's called knitting backwards. Something else new for me to learn. Not sure what this yarn is because I found it in the clearance bin at Michael's and it didn't have a labelbut I am having fun watching the colors change.
I also need to learn how to use this tablet a bit better. My laptop bit the dust a few months ago so when Verizon had a Mother's Day special that if you upgraded your phone (or added a new phone) you could get a tablet for free, of course I couldn't turn down that offer. Now that I am using the tablet to take pictures I need to figure out how to take better pictures and how to edit them. We never stop learning.
I'm using this pattern that also has a video to help explain things. After I got past the first couple tiers things started to go smoothly. It's pretty easy but there is alot of turning. You can see that there is 3 sections on my needles and each section has 8 stitches. You work back and forth on those 8 stitches for a few rows and then move on to the next section. Like I said, lots of turning. There is a way to avoid all that turning and it's called knitting backwards. Something else new for me to learn. Not sure what this yarn is because I found it in the clearance bin at Michael's and it didn't have a labelbut I am having fun watching the colors change.
I also need to learn how to use this tablet a bit better. My laptop bit the dust a few months ago so when Verizon had a Mother's Day special that if you upgraded your phone (or added a new phone) you could get a tablet for free, of course I couldn't turn down that offer. Now that I am using the tablet to take pictures I need to figure out how to take better pictures and how to edit them. We never stop learning.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
New knit along class
Redheart and Creativebug are sponsoring a free knit along. If you ever wanted to learn to knit or like me just love to knit along with others this just might a fun class for you. It is a 12 week class with a new block/design coming out each Wednesday. At the end we will learn how to sew all the blocks together into a wonderful afghan. You could keep it for yourself or give it to someone you love for Christmas.
Monday, March 10, 2014
New booties
I finally finished these booties today. I have struggled so much with this order it has driven me crazy more than once. A friend on facebook posted a picture of the adult version of these slippers on my wall about a month ago asking if I could make these. Finding the pattern was the easy part. These booties have been floating around facebook and blogs for some time now. My first obstacle was finding the right yarn that not only my customer liked, the Mom that was going to be receiving the baby booties liked, and a yarn that would work for the design. For the adult booties I ended up using Red Heart's dark orchid and Knit Picks Chroma lollipop for the baby booties.
Once the right yarn was ordered then I had to learn how to do the crocodile stitch. I've watched this video a few times before so I had a good idea how the stitch worked. The actual crocodile stitch was pretty simple. The baby bootie used fingering weight yarn on a tiny hook so it was a bit fiddly but the actual stitch was easy. The hardest part was the actual bootie. I have the hardest time making the foot portion on booties and slippers. I must have torn out and redid the purple slippers five times before I got a handle on it. By the time I made it to the last baby bootie (bootie #4) I finally was able to make one without ripping out too many stitches.
Even after all the trouble making these I would definitely make them again. I like the look and they feel very comfy. I think the adult version would look nice with a leather or suede sole stitched on.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Needful Things Swap Package Received
I received my package from The Needful Things Swap yesterday. We had mixed partners so we didn't receive from the same person we sent a package to. My partner was Chris and she put together a wonderful box.
Lots of goodies came out of that box. Each goodie had a little tag attached and was wrapped in either bubble wrap or tissue paper.
New yarn to make dishcloths. Love the colors.
"The chocolate is to distract everyone else from your jelly beans" and it worked! I've been nibbling on the jelly beans. I like to eat them by color/flavor especially with Jelly Belly beans. Mixed the wrong flavors together and you will not be happy.
I've never tried friendship bread or a yeast starter. This will be interesting to try. I hope I don't screw it up.
"family = bear hug"
Cute penguin buttons, a business card holder or coin pouch and a mystical mermaid.
"A free spirited, fun flying fairy" that I have decided to use as my Muse. I have named her Myrtle after my Grandmother. She will hang out with me in my sewing area (away from the cats of course)
A funky zipper pouch with lots of fun felt pieces added on.
Because "cupcakes taste better in pretty cups".
"flashy fabric for a future quilt"
"fun socks for my undercover funky side" I LOVE the bright monsters on the long socks and the circles and stars will be fun to wear without being too flashy.
I think this is supposed to be an oil/vinegar dispenser. I think it's fun that it is shaped like a light bulb. I think I will fill it with colorful beads.
This is "my very own 1st of its kind sock monster sewing supplies storing center with purple pins".
I haven't come up with a name for this fellow yet.
Another big THANKS to Chris for a wonderful swap package! I will post pics of what I sent once my partner receives her package.
Monday, March 3, 2014
In the Mail
The birthday dolls are finished and in the mail to the lucky birthday girl. I'm glad I'm not her Momma since the birthday party isn't until July. If the lucky girl spots these she will drive Momma crazy begging to play with them before the party.
My swap package went in the mail recently too. I smooshed lots of goodies into that little box. I will post the contents after my secret partner receives her package.
I'm still working on my crazy lazy cables hat. It's a bit further than this picture shows but still on the needles. I'm hoping to get this finished this month.
Last month I managed to get this old UFO quilted. It's just waiting on the binding to be cut and sewn on. These are blocks from an old swap on Flickr. I think it was the 3 X 6 sampler group but there might be some blocks from another swap I was in too.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Books and Dolls
My two favorite hobbies are reading and crafting. If I'm not doing one I am usually doing the other. Last month I came across an article about the 16 books to read before they hit theaters this year. Most of them held no interest to me but one did peek my interest...Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. I started reading about vampires back when Ann Rice first started writing about them. Richelle Mead has a writing style that I enjoy. She brings you into the world at a nice pace. Not too slow so that you get bored and have to force yourself to keep reading and not so fast that you don't get the chance to figure a few things out yourself. I enjoyed reading the six books in the VA series so much that I moved onto the spin off series Bloodlines and managed to read all four books in that series. Now I have to wait until July to read the next book in the series. One of the great things about coming to a series late is that all or most of the books are out in print so there is little to no waiting for the next book.
Since I read 10 books in the last four or so weeks I really haven't gotten much else done. I have been working on an order of 7 dolls for a little girls birthday in July. These have been taking me awhile because I get easily bored and sidetracked when I am making the same things over and over.
I am using the BB dolls pattern by Vanja Grundmann but I changed the head so it looks a bit more like the Lalaloopsie dolls that the birthday girl loves. I decided to make all the dolls at once. I made all the heads, then the arms and then the dresses, etc. Not sure if this was a good way or not but I'm finally at the sewing the pieces together part. I've been working on these for a couple weeks and it's good to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course the last part is always the hardest for me...the faces. I have the hardest time getting everything all even and having an expression that doesn't look like they were attacked by a pack of wild dogs. Maybe I should just make zombie dolls since their faces look like they have been ripped off. This is a fun pattern though. I like how the legs and body are made from the feet up and how the dresses fit over the neck without actually being part of the body.
Just in case you think I can't count to seven, this is my test model. She still needs a ribbon in her hair and some pink felt cheeks.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
A bit of yarn shopping
I've received a few orders this month so I needed to stock up on some colors.
I also finished this Beachcomber's Cowl in Sage green and black. This went out to friend in Texas who has been having some very cold weather lately and needed something to keep out the cold wind.
Miss Mocha has decided that it is toasty warm under Momma's quilt. Sometimes it is a bit too warm and she pokes her head or paw out.
Miss Whiskers just wonders when am I going to start sewing again? She loves to help me with my fabric scraps. Soon Whiskers, soon.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Robin's Needful Things
I joined a new swap. I haven't joined any swaps in a couple years and I kind of miss them. Sometimes they can be stressful but mostly they are fun. This time it is a secret swap so we have been asked to post some needful things.
I will always need my family. I'm always wishing for a day to myself with an empty house but when the rare occasion comes along I spend most of the day missing my kids.
I need hugs from my family. I wasn't raised in a touchy feely kind of family so it took me a long time before I realized that I like to be hugged and touched throughout the day. Brightens my mood instantly when one of the kids gives me a great big bear hug and since the boys are both taller than me it is definitely a bear hug.
I need funky mismatched socks because life is too short to wear boring matching socks. I love the thrill of knowing that under my simple jeans I have a pair of crazy colored socks on. Plus, when other people see my fun socks it brings a smile to their face too.
I need jelly beans! Year round too not just for Easter. I look forward to Easter every year simply because there would be jelly beans. Most kids I knew did not like them so I would always swap one of my candies for their jelly beans.
I need fun and funky pincushions. I like to switch between different pincushions. I also like to line them up on a shelf and let them brighten my sewing area. There are never enough pincushions.
I need lots of scissors. I use all different sizes of scissors. I like to have lots of small scissors so I can keep a pair in all of my project bags.
I need needle and scissor keepers. I was given a scissor keeper made from this pattern a couple years ago and it is my favorite. I can keep a pair of scissors, a few needles and a thimble all in one spot. I am forever misplacing things.
I need thimbles. I've always had a fascination with thimbles ever since I found them in my Grandmother's button box when I was little. I've tried many different styles (and colors) but I found that I like the leather ones the best. I like that they are flexible and fit my fingers better than the metal or plastic ones.
I need organization. I haven't always been good at organizing but I am slowly getting better. I've fallen in love with little containers especially the see thru style. I keep them under the sinks, in the craft room, the living room, the kid's rooms, anywhere and everywhere. It is so much easier to find what you need (especially in a pack rat's house) when things are organized.
I need to create. I love to knit especially shawls, cowls and socks. I enjoy crocheting stuffed animals. Working on a hand embroidery project brings me a calming peace. Working on some EPP hexagons always brings a smile to my face.
I need craft supplies. Of course with all the creating I need supplies for those projects. I love soft and colorful yarn. I've been really drawn to fun and funky sock yarn lately. Watching the different colors and patterns form while knitting socks is just as fascinating now as it was with my first pair of socks. I love bright colored fabric especially when paired with black in a quilt.
I need the sunshine. Living in Florida I see lots of sunshine. Of course for us the Winter has beautiful days that aren't all hot and humid like in the Summer. I like to sit outside on a nice day and enjoy the sun and the birds. Planting flowers and watching them grow brings a smile to my face.
I need to believe...in fairies and gnomes and leprechauns and smurfs. Mother Nature, tree nymphs, and wood spirits.
I need to be wrapped in bubblewrap lol. I am the clumsiest person in my family. I bump into walls, trip over air and find new ways to injure myself almost daily. No one is ever surprised to see a bruise or cut on my legs or arms. I hoped I would outgrow it but at 45 I don't think that is ever going to happen.
I need to learn how to can foods. On facebook and blogs I am always seeing beautiful jars of fruits, veggies, and jams. I know it's alot of work and that's not what has been keeping me from trying it. I keep seeing all these warnings about doing it properly so you don't poison your family and that's what makes me a bit hesitant. I sure don't want to give anyone food poisoning! Canning isn't popular down in this area because we have fresh fruits and vegetables year round so there are no classes available. Eventually I will learn the proper way to can.
I need to read. I've always loved reading even as a child. When I find a book I enjoy I devour it. I tend to read non stop until it is finished. I sneak in reading time anywhere I can find it. While eating, brushing my teeth, when I am supposed to be doing chores, I've even been known to read while walking around the house. All those little bits of time add up. That's why I can read a 600 page book in a day or two, plus I tend to read fast. I read a variety of things but I enjoy mysteries, vampires ( I was reading about them before Interview with a Vampire came out and definitely way, way before Twilight made them popular), history books (especially about Lincoln), most anything from around King Arthur's time and knights in general. I've read several series that had a crafting theme (like knitting or needlework or quilting). I really enjoy series. I get sucked into a characters life and like following them from book to book. Sometimes I just walk around the library looking for book series and then try something new. As long as it isn't a western or love story I'll give it a try. When it comes to the big controversy between which is better a kindle or a real book I'm fine with either. I do prefer a kindle simply because it is more compact and I can carry several books in my purse without all the weight. I do like how easy it to flip towards the end of a regular book to see if a character dies etc. Unless there's a trick I don't know it is a pain to try to flip forward several pages on a kindle.
I need to bake. I love baking cookies, muffins, pies, bread, cupcakes. etc. I find it fun and enjoyable trying new recipes and ideas. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. We either end up with a yummy treat or a big laugh at the funky looking blob that came out of the oven. To go with this theme I also need all those little gadgets that go with baking - measuring cups and spoons, egg slicers, those small appliances that make cupcakes, pop tarts and brownies, etc.
I need little coin purses and small bags. It might sound like a strange thing to collect but I like to change things out regularly. I love fun and funky (noticing a theme here?) little coin bags. It's like a bit of sunshine and laughter in my purse. I get lots of smiles when I am at the register. Right now I am using a mini knit glove but it is about time to change it up again. Maybe some skulls, or hearts or just some bright neon colors?
What do you need?
Friday, January 24, 2014
Baby Coins
This baby coin quilt is my first finish of 2014 and most likely my oldest UFO. It is probably 5-6 years old? Not very old for some quilters but I haven't been quilting for very long either.
When I first saw a coin quilt I fell in love with them. A great way to showcase each fabric without having to have yard pieces. I've also found out they are a great way to use up some scraps too. I did a little straight line quilting and then decided to free motion some flowers into the white spaces. It has been a few months since I did any free motion quilting and I sure did feel a bit rusty. I love the way a quilt gets all wrinkly after a run through the washer and dryer.
We had a very windy and cold day here again. The wind was very helpful in showing the back of the quilt. It's a nice blue fabric with little houses all over it.
Hopefully I will have many more finishes this year.
When I first saw a coin quilt I fell in love with them. A great way to showcase each fabric without having to have yard pieces. I've also found out they are a great way to use up some scraps too. I did a little straight line quilting and then decided to free motion some flowers into the white spaces. It has been a few months since I did any free motion quilting and I sure did feel a bit rusty. I love the way a quilt gets all wrinkly after a run through the washer and dryer.
We had a very windy and cold day here again. The wind was very helpful in showing the back of the quilt. It's a nice blue fabric with little houses all over it.
Hopefully I will have many more finishes this year.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
My latest creative addiction
I've been seeing lots of cowls being made on facebook and instagram this past year. I never really thought much about them before because I couldn't figure out what the big deal was. Why not wear a scarf? Isn't that what they are for, to keep your neck warm? Plus, it's easy to wrap them around your face if your nose gets cold. Then I made this ribbed cowl with a nice soft yarn I found.
The Beachcomber's cowl is a simple but enjoyable knit. I worked on it here and there for a couple of days and was surprised how quickly I finished it. I thought all that ribbing would take me FOREVER but it went much faster than I would have guessed. After testing it out I now realize the value of a soft hand knit cowl. It doesn't blow off on a windy day like a scarf does, and it keeps you much warmer than a scarf too. Also, it doesn't give you hat head when you pull it up to keep your ears warm. I know I will be making more cowls in the future. They are a quick and fun project plus they are a great way to play with different stitch patterns.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Where have I been?
Miss Mocha 5-2013 |
Like Mr. & Mrs. Winter that I made last year. I made these for my old neighbor but I think I need a set for myself because I love the way they turned out.
I've been feeling the blogging bug again so I am going to start out posting once a week hopefully. If you follow me on facebook or Instagram you have probably seen most of what I will be posting here picture-wise but there will be new things too. Plus, you get to here me babble.
Also, I have become the crazy cat lady so you will be seeing various pictures of my two favorite cats, Whiskers and Miss Mocha at various times last year.
I hope everyone is staying warm and safe!
Whiskers taking care of her new buddy. 5-2013 |
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year!!
Nothing too exciting happened around here. The neighbors lit off so many fireworks last night that my bedroom lit up! Our poor little kitty Miss Mocha was so scared she spent most of the night hiding up under my recliner. She was only a few months old for The Fourth of July and she was still sleeping in bed with me so they didn't bother her much but now that she is older she really doesn't like them.
Miss Whiskers is an old pro with the big noise makers and she slept right through them.
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Whiskers likes to claim the top of my chair. |
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