Friday morning's sunrise was spectacular. I looked out the window and the world was cast in a pink glow. Just imagine how beautiful it was in real life. While my phone takes wonderful pictures, I have never been able to master taking wonderful pictures of the sky.
I've started something new with the blog. Just a small little detail that I hope is helpful to some. As you may already know I post my YouTube videos here on the blog. I have followers who watch my videos from a variety of sources and I want to make sure everyone can easily see the videos. Not everyone watches them from my blog so I've started adding (descriptions) to my blog titles. If it's a (VIDEO) you will easily be able to tell that at a glance. If it's a (BLOG) or written post that is easy to see also. I hope this helps.
I also thought it might be helpful to list my basic timeline so you will know when to pop over to see what's happening in my craft room.
Tuesday: Talk To Me Tuesday - where I discuss what's been happening in my life and I try to show a current quilting project or past project.
WiP It Wednesday: where I show all the crafty things I've worked on during the precious week. Starting next year I will keep one project exclusive for the blog. I will show it during the video but mention if they want to see more then they need to pop over here to hear all the details.
Sew With Me Friday: on Friday's I post a sew along tutorial style video. Sometimes it's a viewer request or just something that I felt like working on this week. In 2019 I am going to be doing some QAYG videos and trying different QAYG techniques.
Sunday: Sundays are for bonus videos or series. Some weeks there may be no video or I may run a series of videos. I recently finished a series on hand embroidery stitches. My next series will be how I knit a mitre square blanket from scraps. Tomorrow's bonus video is about felt storage. Both full sheets and scraps of felt.
Saturdays: This is the day that I will be posting written blogs with pictures. I'm trying to make sure I don't repeat myself on these blog posts. That's why I'm going to be having a blog exclusive project. You have to come over here to see all the details and pictures. I love blogging and reading blogs so I want to makes sure I pencil in some time to do just that.
Now to the fun stuff!!
A couple months ago I was commissioned to finish this crewel embroidery project. Have I ever done crewel embroidery you may ask? Nope, not even a stitch lol. I've watched several videos on crewel embroidery this year and I was going to try it in 2019. I won't have to try it now because I've spent several hours working on this project.

It is now finished!! When I received it the words were completed and a very small section of the clouds on the left side were done. Some of it was enjoyable and other parts were frustrating. I think it would have all been fun if I had the right tools for the project. Crewel embroidery is best done on stretcher bars where you can tack the canvas down evenly. I worked on this in a hoop and white it was taut it was never tight. I did learn that with wool when you take the project out of the hoop it shrinks back together if that makes sense. I did really enjoy the boat, mostly because by then I had figured out the process and the sail isn't stitched left horizontally. That seemed to make a big difference. It is flying off to it's home later today which means I can start another embroidery project ;)